Friday, September 7, 2012

Why this double standard

Why this double standard?
Bush always accused Iraq of having chemical weapons - which they didn't (and Bush knew that). Still Iraq got invaded. Iran faces sanctions of the West because a stupid Iranian President talking about wiping out Israel of the map. Well, what's about Yemen? The power of the Yemen Government reaches just within Sanaa and that's it. All other parts are under controll of "warlords" (elderly tribe members). This country is very unstable, tribal elders live of kidnapping foreigners (who came to help) and is a nest of Al Qaida. Why don't the USA just bomb this place like they did Iraq? American trucks in Afghanistan have to pay $ 1.500 - $5.000 per vehicle to warlords to enter certain territories. Per day around 20 - 50 want to pass and have to pay. Means, Americans pay Taliban supporters to fight the Taliban. How crazy/paradox is that? Anyway, why got Iraq bombed for no reason while Yemen and Afghanistan are not? Why this double standard? Maybe because Sadam supported Palestine? Please share your thoughs and thanks in advance.
Politics - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
no its because of idiotic presidents..namely had NOTHING to do with terrorism or weapons..its all about oil. bush wanted control of iraq oil because he and his family and close friends are in the oil business..its the truth..look it he wanted to secure his wealth. why do you think gas prices went up during his intolerable reign?
2 :
in politics and in war there will always be a double standard don't forget there was one for blacks and whites too,
3 :
Why didn't we bomb Saudi Arabia after 911? they were the majority of the terrorists
4 :
Get your facts straight.
5 :
seems like a good location for a humongous parking lot...of course, we need to wait till they use up all the 'diversity visas' we have allocated to them-part of dead teddy kennedy's legacy, btw-some on the left say that America asked to be attacked by islamic terrorists...heck, hillary's state department is sending invitations
6 :
hmmm.......good point
7 :
Here is more of those WMD lies. Man...Americans have very short and selective memories when it comes to justifying the bullsh*t of their favored political parties. Yeah Bush lied, but if he did then didn't the democrats lie as well? Or is it that republican lies are somehow worse than democrat lies? Call me a radical objectivist but a lie is a lie.
8 :
The whys and the wherefores all lead back to one long as we are dependent on fossil fuel, foreign oil, none of this will ever stop nor will there be peace. Men and women will die, country's will be bombed, wars will be fought.
9 :
Wrath of KAhl...I agree 110% I point out to people their "selective memories" and they get mad that you would dare tell them the truth. Do they not remember the 1979 swine flu Hoax )happens agan in 2009 so Baxter can profit, people forget about '79), then they forget that we aided Sadaam in the 80's and then we hung him a decade or so later. All in the name of spreading DEMOCRACY...(OH! wait we borrow a trillion from China(communist country). I guess its selective democracy too. They forget there were no WMD and that was a lie. Now Iran is the new boogey man. ...that or Yemen. Stop trying to convince the people taht are drunk with the Kool-Aid they cant think rationally.
10 :
Forget double standards. Look at the statistics. George W Bush is directly responsible for over 31,000 Americans wounded in Iraq and over 4,000 dead Americans. 3,500 dead and wounded Texans, Santa Anna would have been proud of a score like that. All for nothing. Absolutely nothing. The US lost yet another war without gaining anything. There is an ongoing inquiry into the Iraq affair in London, England. We all expect a whitewash but some interesting facts are coming out. When does the US inquiry start? Watergate was treated more seriously, but nobody died because of that.

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