Monday, February 1, 2010

Any Egyptians know a list of countries you can visit withOUT a visa? I know Yemen, any others

Any Egyptians know a list of countries you can visit withOUT a visa? I know Yemen, any others?
By the way if u happen to live in Cairo, and u need a physical therapist, or neurologist, my wife and I just opened a clinic. Even if u know of someone who cant afford treatment, we dont refuse anyone regardless of ability to pay. I just thought I would take a second to thank you all who have answered for your kind words :) By all means if you live in Cairo you should look us up....(email me and i will give u the address and # of the clinic) by the way Im not the just the hubby of the physical therapist, but we started it. He comes in 2-3 days a week when my wife has the days off. U know i hope also to show people that a muslim woman is not so oppressed. My wife wears the full face veil (niquab) doesnt shake hands or really even speak to men...but she is 25 went to 6 years of full time university, has the U.S. equivelant of a masters degree. She asked for nothing when we got married, and if you know about the culture of Egypt how Expensive it is to get married......anyways, she will get mad if she ever sees this. We are trying to go somewhere for me to study (im us citizen) that she can work, but like i say were now just determining which countries she can go without a visa, THANKS :)
Egypt - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i know you need no Visa to go to Libya. That's very sweet of you and your wife..
2 :
i ve been to Malaysia and Jordan i just needed visa upon arrival . thats very kind , may God bless u both
3 :
I don't know about the first part of your question, but I just wanted to say God bless you and your wife for your kindness. You don't just give to others by doing charity, you also give to yourself. It's the best feeling you can get when you help someone in need.
4 :
Moroccans can go to Egypt without visa (if on a guided tour), perhaps it's the same? That's so kind of you and your wife!
5 :
Sudan,Syria and some African countries like Chad

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