Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Ramadan - What is the very LAST sign of Judgement Day

Ramadan - What is the very LAST sign of Judgement Day?
Is it the rising of the sun from the west...or the fire that emerges from Yemen? Some say its when the sun rises from the west (because repentance is no longer be accepted after this) but many online sites say its the fire in Yemen. Also, will there be any living Muslims remaining right before the first blowing of the horn? Ive heard both yes and no. Brothers and sisters this day is so close, i can just feel it...the signs are coming right after each other! May Allah keep us on the straight path and have mercy on us on this day, Ameen~
Ramadan - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
When Cinderella comes down back to earth and consumes us. YouĂ‚´ve been Reading too many fairytales. THE END IS NEAR - 12/2012!
2 :
I heard the earth will shake and then noub and alessiopensoso will come out of a cave with their pants wrapped around their ankles and sweating from having sex with each others sisters.
3 :
Three blasts of trumpet.;_ylt=Av43PtyNDJBORwegF0b0w.zsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100116000625AAeoXxI please answer
4 :
THE SMOKE WHICH WILL APPEAR AT THE END OF TIME MASRUQ said: "While a man was giving a speech among the people of Kindah, he said, 'There will be smoke on the Day of Resurrection which will deprive the hypocrites of their hearing and sight, but the believers will only suffer something like a cold' We were terrified, so we went to Ibn Masud, who was reclining. When he heard about this, he became angry and sat up, and said: 'O people, whoever knows a thing, let him say it; but whoever does not know, let him say, "Allah knows best." It is a part of knowledge, when one does not know something, to say "Allah knows best." Allah SWT said to His Prophet Mohammad (sallallahu alayhe wa sallam): "Say: 'No reward do I ask of you for this (Qur'an), nor am I a pretender'" (Sad 38:86.)
5 :
the lion will lay down with the lamb. You remind me of all the end of the world messiahs i have heard over my long life "repent now for the end of the world is nigh" they said but it hasn't happened. So lighten up enjoy life and remember that you can be saved by the love of our Lord Jesus Christ
6 :
Ameen the blasting of the trumpet will end us all
7 :
I'm pretty sure the succession of events is like this: 1. The arrival of the Mahdi 2. The appearance of Ad-Dajjal 3. The appearance of Isa aleyhis-salaam and estruction of Ad-Dajjal 4. The establishment of the perfect Shari'a by Isa aleyhis-salaam 5. The death of Isa aleyhis-salaam 6. A gentle breeze that takes the life of all the remaining believers 7. The earth fills with corruption as nothing but the worst of creation remains 8. The sun then rises from the West [and no more repentance will be accepted] 9. A fire in Yemen occurs [MASSIVE] and drives all remaining humans toward the place of judgement 10. Resurrection/Day of Judgment begins.
8 :
All the answers to this question are on this link: The last major sign is the Fire.
9 :
I don't know about the last sign but some of the signs I've seen mentioned are that knowledge will slowly disappear and ignorance will prevail. Honesty will be lost. Leadership will go into the hands of incompetent people. Sex outside of marriage will become widespread. And so on.

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