Saturday, September 1, 2012

As an observer, what do you think

As an observer, what do you think?
-In the last 3 yrs U.S embassy in Yemen was attacked at least twice by terrorists. - The last attack was last year 2008 - As result, Yemeni police security closed all roads and streets surrounded the embassy. - This security step is covered 20 km where more than 30000 people live and work - Those people, as we speak, cant drive to their houses, have to go through many check points and losing their business in that area. - Yemen in short is a police state, however the Embassy has no comment whatsoever on Yemeni officials action to provide this type of security. - Since last August 2008 thousands of Yemeni people who live in that area protest and demonstration to end this siege, however nothing happened - Just last week a pregnant woman dead, as a result of this siege around her neighborhood where make it impossible to take her fast enough to the hospital
Politics - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
We should probably close our embassy; they are not an ally and in fact are an al qaeda center
2 :
Whats your question ? stuff happens.
3 :
My first response is, "where is Yemen and why does this matter to me?"
4 :
There is a big sewer leak in San Francisco. Seems fitting actually. As for Yemen, I couldn't care less.
5 :
I believe in all security areas of the world, every area has its own way in dealing with such crisis as this. It is sad when innocent bystanders does get attacked in someway or another. However, the security cannot close down what is being protected for more harm could happen. Under security guidelines it does get hard to speak upon certain situations for its an alert status. I am sadden about the woman and I keep everyone in my prayers that had their life taken in something or another happening.

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