Sunday, February 7, 2010

the bible says Ishmael and his sons lived in Sinai when history tells us they lived in Northern Yemen

the bible says Ishmael and his sons lived in Sinai when history tells us they lived in Northern Yemen?
now why Bible is mistaken? Newel - many ancient tribes like Hawazin lived in places northern Yemen and in Hijaz not Sinai and there close ancestors to Ishmael lived there too. Maurog II - what do you know about the history of Arabs? "they claimed it" that's rubish go do some research. Don - the well of Zamzam according to your Bible was in Sinai when it is in a place called Mecca, did the well also traveled?
Religion & Spirituality - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You were there?
2 :
Who do you think the Bible is mistaken? A more logical explanation would be that sons of Ishmael in the bible refers to entirely different people, and the people living in Northern Yemen adopted the story and claimed they are the descendants of the mythical Ishmael. This kind of adoption happens all the time. It's like the people who claimed to be descendants of Zeus and other gods.
3 :
Yes Ishmael who was not the son of promise but the son of the flesh did live in Yemen and the Bible does not say that Ishmael died in the Sinai.Also since Ishmael is the father of the Bedouins (Arabs) he left a record of himself in two places. His description, "He shall be a wild man, his man against every mans hand and every mans hand against his" Now if that is not an accurate description of his descendants "Mohammed Alla Akbah" must be blind.
4 :
ROFL! The stupidity of some Christians never ceases to amuse me. Check out this moron Don: "Yes Ishmael who was not the son of promise but the son of the flesh...Now if that is not an accurate description of his descendants "Mohammed Alla Akbah" must be blind." What the hell is this 'son of the flesh' bull? Don you really need to take a basic Arabic course too, unless you were trying to be cute with that 'Alla Akbah' line. You FAIL.

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