Friday, September 21, 2012

kitten has yellow discharge in her left eye, what can i do for her

kitten has yellow discharge in her left eye, what can i do for her?
shes 4 months old, shes eating and drinking well. i cleaned her eye with a warm wash cloth and i tried tea bag. i live in a country were they don't offer medical help to animals. im in yemen so please don't tell me to take her to a vet, i wish i can if there was one. so please help me. i bought her terramycin eye ointment for her on ebay and that's going to take a week to get here, so what can i do until i get that. thank you. i also have a one year ole daughter and i was wondering if my kitten can spread this to us or not.
Cats - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Just keep cleaning it and keeping warm compress on it!
2 :
i know that must be a infection and that the kitten will need some eye drops

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