Monday, October 1, 2012

Who needs sex education first, parents or children

Who needs sex education first, parents or children?
Please read: Beside that I agree which everything writting in this article, why not just making it mandatory to have a female on every school bus? Problem solved regarding sexual abuse on school buses. What are all these advices are good for if parents consider it a "shame" if their child got abused? Wouldn't it make more sense to educate parents first to talk openly about sexuality? How is a child (not a toddler) feel comfortable to talk about any sex related issues knowing parents do not talk about sex period? Report sexual abuse done by any relative like you would report a driver, gardener, etc. no matter what family says. It's not a family matter, it's a crime which needs to be punished hard. Remember the 4 years old boy killed at Eid in a Mosque? He used to sexually abuse his step sisters. Maybe this little Pakistani boy could still be alive if his crimes would have been reported earlier. We live in the UAE and not Afghanistan or any rual areas of Pakistan ruled by Talibans, Yemen, Sudan, etc. Sexulality is something normal from a certain age on. Why not talking about it, especially about sexually abuse? Any inputs? @Billy: What's about the Swat Valley?
United Arab Emirates - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Children needs sex education first
2 :
>>>any rual areas of Pakistan ruled by Talibans ??? correct yourself first! NO AREA OF PAKISTAN IS RULED BY TALIBAN.PERIOD. Coming to your Q,almost every household have a 'code' for good and bad,even if its not mentioned in the article. Maybe if the 'poors' are also allowed to keep their families here that 4-5 five year old boys and girls can sexually be saved in UAE from drivers, gardeners,cleaners? they maybe are too poor to afford a prostitute even! edit: What about it? Its just like any other part of the country. Maalam Jabba ski resort was challenged around 2 years ago but its been restored back and people are busy there skiing as normal RIGHT NOW! Its very easy to believe Jewish media but needs just a little effort to know the truth...
3 :
That depends if the family is open minded about sexuality. Like we (Europeans) are brought up with sexual education by parents and school. And still there are sexually cases of abuse in Europe. In many (Islamic) communities talking about sexuality is a big no no!! But it has to be in the open, without embarrassing or disrespect culture. So the only possibility here in the UAE is giving it as much publicity as possible, so the parents should be waken up and take their measurements.

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