Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A Cert Petition in Maqaleh

A Cert Petition in Maqaleh

A couple of weeks ago, several non-Afghan detainees at Bagram Air Force Base, Afghanistan filed a cert petition with the Supreme Court after the D.C. Circuit affirmed the district court’s ruling that it lacked subject matter jurisdiction to review the prisoners’ habeas actions. The prisoners, citize ...

The Insider Threat

Check out our thread over at TAA. Now… understand I’m talking about something that is targeting a whole lot of old, white guys, who own guns in the government. Let me explain my post above. A while back in the facility whe ...

The “Progress” of Western Civilisation

Some of the most important debates in the West today are about gay rights, legalization of marijuana, guns, abortion, animal rights, assisted suicide, atheism and legalized prostitution. If you consider that this is at a time when the structure of the global economy post-global financial crisis of 2 ...

The Historically Challenged Paul Craig Roberts

“Nothing comparable has ever been witnessed in history” Washington Chokes Truth With Lies Paul Craig Roberts The fraud perpetuated on the world by the United States in the 21st century is extraordinary. Nothing comparable has ever been witnessed in history. Not only are there the frauds of the numer ...

Introducing Internet governance to Yemen [Yemen Times]

(Yemen Times Via Acquire Media NewsEdge) Ahmed Ubaid Bin Daghr, minister of telecommunications and information technology, in a meeting with the Internet Society-Yemen and a delegation from ICANN and RIPE. For a long time, the citizens of Yemen have ...

Yemen army jet crashes, pilot killed

Sanaa (AFP) - A military training jet crashed in south Yemen on Wednesday, killing its pilot, an army officer told AFP. The accident took place as the Czech-made L-39 aircraft was landing at an airbase in Taez, 180 kilometres (112 miles) south of the ...

UN envoy to Yemen leaves Sana'a

SANA'A, Aug.27 (Saba)- The Adviser to the UN Secretary-General on Yemen, Jamal Benomar, left Sana'a on Wednesday after a visit to Yemen lasted several days. The UN envoy met during his recent visit with a number of officials in the state and the government ...

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