Wednesday, August 27, 2014

El curioso caso de los kurdos judíos ‘

El curioso caso de los kurdos judíos ‘

El curioso caso de los kurdos judíos ‘ Judios demuestran en solidaridad con los kurdos. ? Cada kurdo tienen un esqueleto judío en sus armarios El actual acercamiento entre los Judios y los kurdos, de pie juntos en contra de ISIS y en favor de la protección de las minorías oprimidas en Irak, ha oscur ...

Arabia Saudita

Arabia Saudita o Arabia Saudí, 1 oficialmente el Reino de Arabia Saudita (en árabe: المملكة العربية السعودية, en alfabeto internacional, al-Mamlakah al-‘Arabiyyah as-Su‘ūdiyyah), 11 es una monarquía de Oriente Medio en la península arábiga. Limita con Jordania y con Irak por el norte, con Irak por e ...

DJ Gamra & DJ K-Break - Brothers At Practice Vol.3 (2014)

A new mixtape from DJ Gamra and DJ K-Break! I don't know how about you, but I know what I'm gonna practice to tomorrow! Check it out! Free download, but don't forget to say "Thank You" to the DJs (I wonder if anyone is doing it these days). DJ Gamra 0:00 - 29:58 DJ K-Break 29:59 till the end "This a ...

The curious case of the 'Jewish' Kurds

Jews demonstrate in solidarity with Kurds. Do Kurds have a Jewish skeleton in their cupboards? The current rapprochement between Jews and Kurds, standing together against ISIS and in favour of the protection of oppressed minorities in Iraq, has obscured an aspect of their historical relationship not ...

Yemen president urges Huthi rebels to leave Sanaa

Yemeni President Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi urged Shiite rebel leader Abdulmalik al-Huthi on Tuesday to withdraw his militant followers from the capital following the failure of negotiations on their demands. In a letter to the rebel chief, of which AFP has ...

Yemen's rival protesters speak out

Sanaa, Yemen - After a week of mounting anti-government protests in Sanaa led by the Houthis, a rebel Shia movement from the north of the country, a counter-protest was organised by Islah, Yemen's biggest Sunni Islamist party and the Houthis' biggest ...

Yemen Remote Monitoring Update August 2014

Persistent conflict continues to displace households in central areas of Yemen, disrupting livelihood strategies and reducing the ability for households to meet their basic food and non-food needs. In July, more than 10,000 people were displaced due to ...

Yemen Protest Movement Set to Intensify

Houthi movement believes government will be forced to step down. The leader of Yemen's Houthis called on Tuesday for his movement to intensify the protests against ''government corruption.'' Abd al-Malik al-Houthi said he was confident the protests ...

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