Tuesday, August 21, 2012

the ghetto

the ghetto?
why are people always hatin, i live in the ghetto, im white but alot of people in hamtramck are white, it is a real multi-cultural town there are alot %26 of the city is black< %20 is yemen thats arabic%18 is indian-bangladesh, %15 is yugoslavian meaning bosnian, albanian, serbien, the rest is latino, asian and alot of other stuff, about %95 of people between 6 and 30 dresses the same, and listens to the same music, hip hop and rap and the other %5 dress different and listen to other stuff cause there usually sub-urban people who lost jobs and moved there, rap and ghetto aint about color its about area and mentality, ghetto mentality cause we live in the ghetto
Other - Cultures & Groups - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I'm not hatin. :)
2 :
There are no ghettos in th u.s! Ghettos are in the gaza strip, Darfour or krakow concentration camps in ww2. What we have in the states are government housing units full of lazy a$$ people who want something for nothing and crybaby too much. Thats the way it is.
3 :
i feel u...pple r always hatin. but the ghetto's where all the culture is. forget everybody else...they just haters..more power to the ghetto. holla!
4 :
I don't like it because of the way they TALK for one, would it kill them to use proper grammer and stop butchering English? And I like ot stick to upper-middle class areas, that like rock, and dress cool and fashionable (no prep or any of that shit) but with a sense of class.
5 :
In Chicago, before the Yuppies took over Wicker Park and Bucktown, it was considered ghetto, but I loved the diversity. Rent was still reasonable, food was awesome! I would walk to a Cuban cafe for some coffee to die for, then just hang out.There were struggling artists paintings hanging in almost every store or restaurant. There was so much to do and see, and the people were beautiful. Just had to be careful at night, but now they snatch children from their own beds. That was a different time.
6 :
From where I come from ghetto means a place where people live in the slums of town or a bad part of town. Individuals around here also use the word to describe something that is not up to standards. Sounds like you live in an area that is serounded with a variety of people. Consider yourself lucky, try to learn as much as you can when it comes to street talk but at the same time keep your education growing in a positive direction. Learn as many languages as you can because now days societys languages is changing from English to Spanish especially here in Texas. If you can learn all those things, you will suceed far in life. There is nothing wrong with living in the ghetto. Best of Luck in your future.
7 :
There is nothing to be ashamed of living in ghettos,as long as we maintain good hygeine,and follow principle of universal brotherhood. You are quite lucky;your ghetto is a mini U.N.O!!!

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