Friday, January 1, 2010

Why are they still in Yemen

Why are they still in Yemen?? If Arab & muslims are so bad how come these Jews are still living peacfully in Yemen? Shouldn't they be slaughtered by so called extremist Muslims? So who are the real trouble makers in the middle east?
Ramadan - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
One question, who are you trying to convince? No matter what you do they will just ignore you and continue with their propaganda. Just drop it.
2 :
maybe they left a few jews for show for the tourist?
3 :
lol my parents are from yemen and i never seen jews where i live but I heard there are a lot in yemen. I just never met one I went in 2003 for my first time and it was nice and don't believe the media it's all bullshit. Islam is a peaceful religion and they know that case closed.
4 :
There are still Bosnians in Serbia too. I don't know about the situation there so I'm not making any assumptions. There are still Jews in Iran but it doesn't mean it's an ideal place for Jew to live. There are still Palestinians in Israel but it doesn't make it an ideal place to be a Palestinian.
5 :
the real trouble makers are Hezbollah ha mas and the al akhsar martyrs brigade the reason jews are still allowed to live in yemen is that it is such a poor country they need the jews and their money
6 :
lol are you serious??? I went to Yemen last time. Its where my grandparents came from. we went there for a holiday and I didnt notice if there were any Jews. Maybe they are just a minority. Cause when I was in Yemen I was in cities like San'a and Hadhramaut.
7 :
I'm reading "My Father's Paradise" but Ariel something, a Jew from LA. His father grew up in Zakho, in Kurdistan of Iraq, where Jews had been living side by side with Muslims for centuries, ever since they were expelled during the Assyrian empire (I think then). Anyway, they were very close, Jews wouldn't smoke in front of Muslims during Ramadan, Muslims would send cooked food to Jews on holy days (they're not allowed to cook), they went into business together, were neighbours, etc., etc. When Israel was created, Israel sent people to convince the Jews to go. The only people to leave were the poorest of the poor, who went, not because of oppression, but for the chance at a better economic life. The rest of the Jews didn't leave until unrest in the middle east over the Israeli state finally started to penetrate their community. The townspeople were devastated to leave and the Muslims didn't want them to go. How's that for harmony?
8 :
She said long ago, I'm Yemeni. I said Yemmini shemmini... and that was the last I seen of her. Thank God!

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