Thursday, January 14, 2010

About an Immigrant Visa for Husband

About an Immigrant Visa for Husband?
My husband and I are trying to get into the US. I'm an American citizen and my husband is an Egyptian national. We both live in Yemen only for his job. We schedualed an appointment with the American Embassy here to discuss about an Immigrant Visa. We pretty much have all the files filled out but still no contact from the embassy. I'm five months pregnant and halfway through my pregnancy. I would really prefer to give birth in the US much better medical care. We also have chosen to make a life for us there in the US, much better opportunity. Is there a way to legally speed up the process of getting an immigrant visa? I understand about the extra scrutiny that will be done, even just coming here I was scrutized by Homeland Security before I was able to fly to Yemen. I actually feel better with the extra precautions. It's just that I am anxious to get back to the States and I would rather have my husband here with me when I deliver the baby. I know that my husband definitly has a clean slate but still the US government will take it's time to be certain of that.
Embassies & Consulates - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
bush has sign so many new law its would be better for you to come to the usa and have your baby here if not you will open a can of worms i wait for my fiance visa its was only to be 129 days only i wait for over 9 month and still waiting good luck i know it will be hard but its for the baby
2 :
As long as your husband has no ties to Al Qaeda or other radical muslim organizations, he can come here, but do realize that because he is of Middle Eastern ethnicity, the Dept of Homeland security will scrutinize every single thing about him and you and will not make it any easier for either of you. On a side note, are you confident in knowing that once you have your baby, your husband won't run back to Egypt with your child and disappear for good? I'm not implying this will happen, but I have heard too many stories like this about American women marrying men from muslims countries and the fathers kidnapping the baby/child and running back to their native countries. There was an old movie with Sally Fields about such an incident. Be wary, because growing up in a country with political instability is no way for a child to live.
3 :
There is no way to speed up the process of getting an immigrant visa for your husband. In order for you husband to be able to join you in the US in time for the birth of your child, you should have filed many months ago. At this point, if you still haven't filed for a spouse visa for your husband, there is no chance that he will be able to come to the US with you for the birth of your child. Since Egypt is a high visa fraud country, processing of immigrant visa's are taking about a year or so to be processed because of the intensive security checks that are required. A visa will not be issued to anyone until the security checks have been completed. If you want your child born in the US, and want your husband to be there, maybe you should try to see if he qualifies for a tourist visa so that he can come to the US as a tourist, be there for the birth of the baby, then on return to Egypt file for the spouse visa and wait for it to be processed.
4 :
There is no way to speed up the process. There are plenty of ways to slow it down, like not completely filling out the forms or leaving important information out. Do it right the first time.

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