Thursday, January 7, 2010

I'm 18 years old female.ready to get married to an older man.but my parents don't agree.i'm in yemen can i just

I'm 18 years old female.ready to get married to an older man.but my parents don't agree.i'm in yemen can i just?
i cant live in my country its Yemen,its legal to get married here but i just cant find answered on the subject what if my parent don't agree.plz help me it might sound weird,but in a way his my only way out of my miserable life here,but i just really cant stand life here..i tried to kill myself twice because life here is just hard...i don't what to do.I'm just lost.
Marriage & Divorce - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Why must you marry now and why an older man? You are still young and to tell you the truth ,your marriage will probably not last. Whats the hurry? This is only how I feel because I've been there. I was too young to marry. How long have you been with this man? Why doesn't he find himself someone around his age? I'm just trying to understand the situation. Seriously though whats the hurry? Your 18 ,he's ? If you want to chat I'm here to listen. Good luck in your decision.
2 :
you should wait for a few more years. Some young people think they in love and ready to get marry, and only to find out that were mistake after they did that. Go to these sites, you find some tips about relationship that might help you. Good luck!
3 :
.You have to think about why parents disagree as is very important thing ,,,,,,,,, Consent of parents are needed for a healthy relationship.
4 :
It is not worth getting married to an older guy were you probably wont have a good life with, just chill and try to stay occupied with whatever you can find (study). awlad al7alal motwafreen Take an advise from a Yemeni brother, wish you all the best sis.
5 :
Don't get married yet ur way too young.. there is not rush!! i dated an older guy once and thought i was ready for marriage... he then turned in to a controlling physco and it was hard to get away.. now looking back im glad i did not marry him... parents are always right.... but most of the time they are listen to them don't make a big mistake that u WILL regret!!

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