Thursday, June 21, 2012

Are Muslims pathological murderers who feel bad if they can´t kill someone

Are Muslims pathological murderers who feel bad if they can´t kill someone?
There was not a single year since the end of the Second World War when Muslim Arabs did not kill other Arabs- and anyone who had the bad luck to be close. I shall list here only conflicts that I remember from my school and University courses, I am sure there are many more. The 50s. Egypt and Saidi Arabia vs. Yemen. Over 20,000 civilians killed. Egypt used the combat gases against the civil population. Morocco and Algeria armed conflict in the 1963 ("Sand War"). Libya-Chad conflict. In 1973 Libya effectively went to war against Chad and annexed Chadian land. Libya launched a full scale invasion of Chad in 1980. Libya-Egypt conflict. Following Egypt's first negotiations with Israel in 1973, Libya became hostile to Egypt. In 1977, not long after demonstrators in the two countries attacked each other's consulates, the two countries fought a four-day war (July 21-July 24) during which several Libyan aircraft were destroyed on the ground. First Sudanese Civil War A conflict from 1955 to 1972 between the northern part of Sudan and a south that demanded more regional autonomy. Half a million people died over the 17 years of war. Second Sudanese Civil War Started in 1983. The south of Sudan seeking independence, the crisis ended in 2005 with the southern parts of Sudan gaining autonomy with planned referendum on secession. Iraq- Kuwait clashes. April 1967 Iraq-Kuwait conflict in Al-Ratqa, Kuwait March 1973 Iraq-Kuwait conflict in Al-Sameta, Kuwait 1976 Iraq-Kuwait conflict in Al-Sameta, Kuwait 1990-1991 The invasion of Kuwait by Iraq (Gulf War) Iran- Iraq war. More than a million people killed. Iran used children as live mine-sweepers, giving them the plastic keys of "Paradise". Iraq versus Kurds. Again, using the chemical weapons against the civilian population. Syria occupying Lebanon. Dozens of thousands killed and over a million refugees. Darfur. More than 200000 people, mostly civilians, killed. North Yemen Civil War 1962–1970, where Saudi-Jordanian, were fighting against Egyptian-Syrians. 1994 civil war in Yemen The May-July 1994 civil war in Yemen was waged between the Yemeni government in Sana'a and Yemen Socialist Party (YSP) supporters, fighting for the secession of the southern part of Yemen . The war resulted in the defeat of the southern armed forces and the flight into exile of most of the YSP leaders and other southern secessionists. And today, Libyans kill each other in Libya, Algerians- in Algeria, Egyptians - in Egypt, Iraqis - in Iraq, Palestinian Arbas kill each other in Gaza, Judea, Samaria - and whenever. And Saudi Arabia is bombing Yemen and entering troops in Bahrain. Are Muslim pathological murderers who feel bad if they can´t kill someone?
Other - Africa & Middle East - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
NO ! YOU ARE WRONG . That is just CRUEL what your asking Muslims and Americans are working to save Libya right now , While your asking such a RUDE thing . Muslims pray for god just like you do and Iraq is pushing it to kill Muslims But Muslims dont care they can kick anyones butt . ESPECIALLY TURKEY . They are nice hearted people trying to live a life . You must be talking about Polititions . Some of them are just trying to fight but why blame others ? They arent all mean .
2 :
No that's you. Whatever you wrote in that book.
3 :
You forgot to list all wars started by Christians who killed uncountable civilians intentionally in the name of Jesus. Please sweep your own doorsteps. I am to lazy to check all your figures but to name a handfull countries and ask if Muslims (in general) are pathological murderers is ignorant and offending. Did Muslims kill around 6 million Jews? No, but "Christans" did so and Jews turned around and massacred Muslims. Where's your logic?
4 :
you are quit alright, but that is not only about muslems, africans and japanese also have notorious background of invading and civil wars, but about the muslims the matter has been turned to be systematic! if you read islam's history muslim's always have been busy killing each other mostly with religiouse excuses, islamic grandiose easily declare other dissimilar muslims and non muslims as heretics and allow their folowers to do any kind of crimes against them! for example islam says: "and about heretics, kill their men and suns and capture their women and wealth in the allah's name"! this is just to choose who is heretic!
5 :
you see only bad sympols lok to many thousands scientists and artists on all countries and on alllife long age ,,thy have great civilization on every thing and are respectaful on all socities only some media show the oppisite for thir bad aims
6 :
No. Seriously? Do you recognize how stupid your question is? Do you recognize that there are 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide, and you are generalizing all of them with your stupid question? Yes, all of the above events, all between secular groups that had nothing to do with Islam. Now why don't you look on the other side of the coin? Who was responsible for WWI? Who was responsible for WWII? Who was responsible for the Korean war? Who was responsible for the Rwandan genocide? Who was responsible for holocaust? Who was responsible for civil wars in sub-Saharan Africa? Who was responsible for apartheid in South Africa? Who was responsible for atrocities committed by the Soviets in Europe and Central Asia? Who was responsible for Balkan wars? Who was responsible for killing one million Algerians (French occupation)? Who was responsible for killing one million Iraqis and Afghanis since 2003? I can count more than a hundred other smaller events that Muslims had nothing to do with, or they were the victims of it. Whether it is since the beginning of the 20th Century or before, you will find that the worst genocides in history were not done by Muslim. You will find that the worst ones were done by Christians.
7 :
If you're gonna take it like that then here's how it can also go: USA: -WW2 -Entire Cold War including but not limited to: Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Afghanistan, and Angola. -Gulf War -War on Terrorism South America: -Costa Rican civil war -La Violencia -The Dirty War in Argentina -Paquisha Incident -Peruvian Armed Conflict -Canepa War -Paraguayan Civil War -The Falklands War Europe: too much to write. Wars are a common thing unfortunately. It seems wars happen a lot in everywhere, not just in the Arab World. The Arab World is pretty big, so it's normal to have some wars in 50 years.
8 :
The stupid humanity does not kill for a religion, but often use the religion for power and wealth. Muslim, Christian or whatever faith we have, we are still killing each other for thirst of power, greed, money, etc. In those people's hearts (our governors), GOD comes in the second of third position unfortunately. So please rephrase your question, look around you and think a little more...
9 :
Here is what we're talking about: There is no way we could claim that the following verses from the Quran can be "misinterpreted" or "taken out of context" [and keep in mind these are just a small sample of what is there]: “Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him.” (Hadith Al Buhkari vol. 9:57) In Sahih Muslim: Book 041, Number 6985: “Judgment Day will come only when the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them, until the Jew hides behind the tree and the stone, and the tree and the stone say: ‘Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!’ – except for the Gharqad tree, which is a Jewish tree.” Sura 5:51: “O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he among you that turns to them for friendship is of them.” This friendship makes any Muslim an enemy of their own and deserving of the same fate as the unbeliever. This is because Allah does not guide an unjust people." Sura72:15 “The disbelievers are the firewood of hell.” Quran: [Surah 4:56] "Surely, those who disbelieve in our revelations, we will condemn them to the hellfire. Whenever their skins are burnt, we will give them new skins. Thus, they will suffer continuously. Allah akbar." Jews are the greediest of all humankind. They'd like to live 1000 years. But they are going to hell. Quran Quran 2:96 -When the doom of Allah comes, pregnant women will suffer miscarriages, and men will act like they are drunk. Quran 22:1-2 -For the wrongdoing Jews, Allah has prepared a painful doom. Quran 4:160-1 -Allah will punish the disbelieving Jews until the Day of Resurrection. 7:167 -Cut off the hands of thieves. It is an exemplary punishment from Allah. Quran 5:38 And finally... -Those who deny the truth of Islam will be punished by Allah. Quran 6:5 [This means that anyone who doubts any of the above statements, such as judgement day not coming until Muslims kill all the Jews, will, if they are a believing Muslim, be "punished"]

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