Sunday, July 1, 2012

Do you think these quotes are truth

Do you think these quotes are truth?
This is another quote often used by Arabs:" we prefer to solve our differences in a calm and mature manner, I know that this may come as a shock to you, but we don’t solve our problems with a gun" The truth is that there was not a single year since the end of the Second World War when Arabs did not kill other Arabs- and anyone who had the bad luck to be close. I shall list here only conflicts that I remember from my school and University courses, I am sure there are many more. Egypt and Saidi Arabia vs. Yemen. Over 20,000 civilians killed. Egypt used the combat gases against the civil population. Morocco and Algeria armed conflict in the 1963 ("Sand War"). Libya-Chad conflict. In 1973 Libya effectively went to war against Chad and annexed Chadian land. Libya launched a full scale invasion of Chad in 1980. Libya-Egypt conflict.Following Egypt's first negotiations with Israel in 1973, Libya became hostile to Egypt. In 1977, not long after demonstrators in the two countries attacked each other's consulates, the two countries fought a four-day war (July 21-July 24) during which several Libyan aircraft were destroyed on the ground. First Sudanese Civil War A conflict from 1955 to 1972 between the northern part of Sudan and a south that demanded more regional autonomy. Half a million people died over the 17 years of war. Second Sudanese Civil War Started in 1983. The south of Sudan seeking independence, the crisis ended in 2005 with the southern parts of Sudan gaining autonomy with planned referendum on secession. Iraq- Kuwait clashes. April 1967 Iraq-Kuwait conflict in Al-Ratqa, Kuwait March 1973 Iraq-Kuwait conflict in Al-Sameta, Kuwait 1976 Iraq-Kuwait conflict in Al-Sameta, Kuwait 1990-1991 The invasion of Kuwait by Iraq (Gulf War) Iran- Iraq war. More than a million people killed. Iran used children as live mine-sweepers, giving them the plastic keys of "Paradise". Iraq versus Kurds. Again, using the chemical weapons against the civilian population. Syria occupying Lebanon. Dozens of thousands killed and over a million refugees. Darfur. More than 200000 people, mostly civilians, killed. North Yemen Civil War 1962–1970, where Saudi-Jordanian, were fighting against Egyptian-Syrians. 1994 civil war in Yemen The May-July 1994 civil war in Yemen was waged between the Yemeni government in Sana'a and Yemen Socialist Party (YSP) supporters, fighting for the secession of the southern part of Yemen . The war resulted in the defeat of the southern armed forces and the flight into exile of most of the YSP leaders and other southern secessionists. And today, Saudi Arabia is bombing Yemen. It´s what you would call " we prefer to solve our differences in a calm and mature manner and we don’t solve our problems with a gun"?
Israel - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Instead of attacking our beloved Nabil, why don't you prepare for tomorrow's Valentine's Day?
2 :
The irony is that if not Israel, hundreds of thousands so called Palestinians (some of them are indeed locals) would be killed. The fact is that about 70,000 Arabs were killed in 60 years of Arab-Israeli conflict. About 1 million were killed in Iraq-Iran war alone. Syria considers lebanon, Jordan and Israel to be part of the Great Syria. But Saudi Arabia and Egypt did not want this. That's how Palestinian people were invented.
3 :
I have found little truth in Islam. The Islamic people either.
4 :
If you can name for me one war that wasn't fought throughout the course of recorded history that didn't contain a main economic aspect attached to it, I will change my perspective of the human race. Are Arabs more war like than their Western counterparts (as you are trying to attribute to them)? I would have to say no. Every country in the world has at one time or another solved their problems with a gun. Why are you holding the Arabs up to a higher standard than other races? Do you actually believe that the current government of Israel has any more of a propensity towards peace than the Arabs? I believe that you already know the answer.

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