Thursday, July 14, 2011

Is Obama the most pro-war President in living memory

Is Obama the most pro-war President in living memory?
Barack Obama is fighting wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan and Libya. He is spending more on the US military than any previous president. Is he the biggest war-monger in recent history??
Politics - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Are you actually serious?
2 :
LOL. No. You're just an ignorant liar.
3 :
Well, Bush gave him all the wars and he can't just quit them. Look at Vietnam. He's not that pro-war (he's a bit), but quitting a war is harder than starting one.
4 :
But wars help Capitalism.
5 :
Don't forget about Somalia too.
6 :
yes, who would n't.he is pro capitalist. remember the bank bailout instead of helping the general public
7 :
Jobs, jobs, jobs. All those uniforms now have a place to go everyday and get to earn their pay.
8 :
That would depend on the age of the person answering the question. Keep in mind that most of the people here can't even name the last 5 presidents.
9 :
1. He is not fighting a war in Yemen or Pakistan. 2. Europe is doing everything for us in Libya 3. We don't have any combat troops in Iraq. 4. You want the Taliban to regain control of Afghanistan, invade Pakistan, and get a hold of Pakistan's nuclear weapons? I don't I am a conservative but I think he has been decent in terms of foreign policy.
10 :
No. Waiting for international agreement before intervening in Libya with airstrikes isn't quite as "pro-war" as pushing for our country's first preemptive invasion of another nation based on trumped up intelligence. Are we even fighting at all in Yemen? I'll give you Pakistan, even though the claim we are fighting a war in Pakistan is pretty weak, even weaker than claiming the current action in Libya can be considered "war."
11 :
6 short of a 12 pack i see, get with the program bush and most republicans are warhawks and in case you forgot conservatives like having a big military, why do think bush started 2 wars with no plans.
12 :
They're all lame. The whole lot.

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