Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Are you a pedophile only because you don't live in the United States

Are you a pedophile only because you don't live in the United States?
Canada's age of age of consent 14yrs old South America's age of consent is 12-13 years old Russia's and Alaska's age of consent is 16's old LOL the age of consent in Yemen in 9...go figure(Muslim) Madagascar's age of consent is 21(they would put the rest of the world in jail). http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/archive/e/ef/20080211194802!Age_of_Consent.png In case you haven't noticed Training day this is Cultures & Groups. I'm just shedding light on the Hypocrisy of human nature.
Other - Cultures & Groups - 7 Answers
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1 :
9? that is gross.
2 :
There's two different definitions of paedophile. The first is a medical term for people who are attracted to undeveloped children. The second is a legal term for people who break the age of consent laws with people who are regarded by the law as children. Wanting to have sex with fully developed jailbait who are legally defined as children isn't medically paedophilia, but wanting to have sex with prepubescent children is. Having sex with a prepubescent who is above the age of consent is not legally paedophilia, but just desiring sex with them may be medical paedophilia. The problem is that the term has become watered down by people who use it in the legal sense rather than the medical sense. Someone who has consensual sex with fully developed schoolgirls is committing statutory rape and they are a sex offender, but calling them a paedophile or a rapist doesn't make sense. Try telling that to society though. Also, the people of Yemen have different values and consider adulterers to be worse than paedophiles. Have sex outside marriage and you risk being stoned to death.
3 :
Anyway that is nasty i think that the consent age should be 18 even here in USA(instead of 17) the child is still in grade school at 17 so i think that is bad. Actually i think it should be illegal for anyone old enough to be the others parent
4 :
Marry at 21 in madagascar :0 ! .I just turn 24 and no wonder people told me over a year ago that i'm still young so i don't have to worry about marriage.I wonder up to what age people are still consider kids in that country, 25? lol I never knew that us canadians have an age of consent of 14 years old:0.Are they crazy!.It should be 17 in all those countries.
5 :
Jesus I'm glad I'm not from Madagascar.
6 :
i think some people like to do it bc it's forbidden. all pedophiles need to be locked up and raped by dozens of serial killers.
7 :
It's not hypocrisy. When in Rome, you do as the Romans do. In some cultures, the folks do not live very long, so they do things earlier. If children are reared knowing they will be marrying young, it's not a shock to them. It's in the norm for their society. America doesn't have that kind of history. We cannot suddenly lower the age of consent when our society says a young person is not an adult until age 18. Many young people would freak out because many are too immature to emotionally handle adult situations -- and they shouldn't have to. We must obey the laws of OUR land. They are appropriate for our people and their cultures. Change occurs gradually, often over many, many years.

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