Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Christians, would you rather live in an Atheist/Communist or Islamic Sharia state

Christians, would you rather live in an Atheist/Communist or Islamic Sharia state?
Both of these seem to be very repressive but for different reasons and maybe to different degrees. China isn't really a fully atheist sate anymore since they legalized religion recently but as far as Atheist/Commie states I would say North Korea or Cuba (almost the last two holdouts). As far as Sharia states Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Yemen, Afghanistan under the Taliban and many other regions outside of a government's control (Somalia, Western Pakistan, North Nigeria). Both of these types of states brutally repress people (Jews and Christians esp.) and leave little room for a good life. Which would you all prefer? I'm leaning Commie but who knows. And just to preempt some negative Atheist or Muslim responses, states that are officially Christian usually have very egalitarian laws. Take Europe (although the people are becoming more secular the laws were from the Judeo-Christian tradition), US and even the more impoverished ones like Latin America and the Philippines which usually score far higher on Religious and Economic Freedom Indexes than any Islamic or Atheist nation. Did that Lizard guy try to say that Communists were religious? Wow. Put down the Hitchens and read some history or even just the Communist Manifesto "religion is the opiate of the masses". China and Soviet Russia the two main movements of Communism were officially Atheist states and outlawed religious practice of any kind. If there is something religion friendly in there you'll have to fill me in.
Religion & Spirituality - 18 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
None of the above, I would die first before renouncing my devotion to God.
2 :
Communist, most communist countries allow religion as long as it is heavily monitored. Islamic states are just now allowing churches in.
3 :
Neither one...the grave sounds better and then EVERlasting life...no hypos...ugh
4 :
I'd sooner swim in open saltwater to America than have to choose. I'm a Christian and a freedom-lover. Both types of states would make me want to kill myself.
5 :
Atheism and Communism are not synonymous you know. There are millions of Atheists throughout the world.
6 :
not much difference for Christian, both deceived.
7 :
None of the above If you are a Christian in the Islamic state you are beheaded If you are in an Atheist/Communist state you would have to practice your belief in your own home. Which that's the way its turning now in America. More Christians are leaving the man made churches and gathering in their homes; as we are directed to do. Read Revelation.. we are told to get out of her(churches) that the lady rides. Man made churches have allowed evil practices to come in.
8 :
Hmmm....... Good question, I think Atheistic/communistic. Why because females are treated a bit better than in the Islamic view.
9 :
I would prefer to live in a Communist state. I think a person has a better chance of privately following their religion in an atheist, communist state than in a brutal theocracy.
10 :
Hello again stupid did you realize the vast majority of communists were theists of some sort ? and so by the way are socialists ? Though a higher percentage of true socialists are atheist I will admit . Those are the ones on the lower end of the educational scale . Check the link moron I happened to have worked with some Chinese in the past and they are quite religious though they have never stooped low enough to have a state religion . Unlike the crispy critters like you who are trying for a theocratic dictatorship here . Theocratic dictatorship is worse than any communist dictatorship and think of this which FUN-DUH preacher is going to want to share power with his buddies ? Why don't you learn to read some history dumb@s Stalin reopened the christian Churches in WW2 and the Chinese didn't outlaw religion they did outlaw forcible conversions to religions because christian missionaries were terrorizing the people of China . Of course I have to fill you in stupid you haven't figured out your preacher is lying to you yet . Top 50 Countries With Highest Proportion of Atheists / Agnostics (Zuckerman, 2005) Below is a list of the top fifty countries containing the largest measured percentage of people who identify as atheist, agnostic, or non-believer in God. These figures do not necessarily represent the number of people who are identify themselves as "atheists." For example, in Estonia in 2004, 49% of people surveyed said they did not believe in God. At the same time, only 11% of people in the country identified themselves as atheists. Country Total country population (2004) % Atheist/ Agnostic/ Nonbeliever in God Number of Atheists/ Agnostics Nonbelievers in God (minimum - maximum) Sweden 8,986,000 46 - 85% 4,133,560 - 7,638,100 Vietnam 82,690,000 81% 66,978,900 Denmark 5,413,000 43 - 80% 2,327,590 - 4,330,400 Norway 4,575,000 31 - 72% 1,418,250 - 3,294,000 Japan 127,333,000 64 - 65% 81,493,120 - 82,766,450 Czech Republic 10,246,100 54 - 61% 5,328,940 - 6,250,121 Finland 5,215,000 28 - 60% 1,460,200 - 3,129,000 France 60,424,000 43 - 54% 25,982,320 - 32,628,960 South Korea 48,598,000 30 - 52% 14,579,400 - 25,270,960 Estonia 1,342,000 49% 657,580 Germany 82,425,000 41 - 49% 33,794,250 - 40,388,250 Russia 143,782,000 24 - 48% 34,507,680 - 69,015,360 Hungary 10,032,000 32 - 46% 3,210,240 - 4,614,720 Netherlands 16,318,000 39 - 44% 6,364,020 - 7,179,920 Britain 60,271,000 31 - 44% 18,684,010 - 26,519,240 Belgium 10,348,000 42 - 43% 4,346,160 - 4,449,640 Bulgaria 7,518,000 34 - 40% 2,556,120 - 3,007,200 Slovenia 2,011,000 35 - 38% 703,850 - 764,180 Israel 6,199,000 15 - 37% 929,850 - 2,293,630 Canada 32,508,000 19 - 30% 6,176,520 - 9,752,400 Latvia 2,306,000 20 - 29% 461,200 - 668,740 Slovakia 5,424,000 10 - 28% 542,400 - 1,518,720 Switzerland 7,451,000 17 - 27% 1,266,670 - 2,011,770 Austria 8,175,000 18 - 26% 1,471,500 - 2,125,500 Australia 19,913,000 24 - 25% 4,779,120 - 4,978,250 Taiwan 22,750,000 24% 5,460,000 Spain 40,281,000 15 - 24% 6,042,150 - 9,667,440 Iceland 294,000 16 - 23% 47,040 - 67,620 New Zealand 3,994,000 20 - 22% 798,800 - 878,680 Ukraine 47,732,000 20% 9,546,400 Belarus 10,311,000 17% 1,752,870 Greece 10,648,000 16% 1,703,680 North Korea 22,698,000 15%* 3,404,700 Italy 58,057,000 6 - 15% 3,483,420 - 8,708,550 Armenia 2,991,000 14% 418,740 China 1,298,848,000 8 - 14%* 103,907,840 - 181,838,720 Lithuania 3,608,000 13% 469,040 Singapore 4,354,000 13% 566,020 Uruguay 3,399,000 12% 407,880 Kazakhstan 15,144,000 11 - 12% 1,665,840 - 1,817,280 Mongolia 2,751,000 9% 247,590 Portugal 10,524,000 4 - 9% 420,960 - 947,160 USA 293,028,000 3 - 9% 8,790,840 - 26,822,520 Albania 3,545,000 8% 283,600 Argentina 39,145,000 4 - 8% 1,565,800 - 3,131,600 Kyrgyzstan 5,081,000 7% 355,670 Dominican Republic 8,834,000 7% 618,380 Cuba 11,309,000 7%* 791,630 Croatia 4,497,000 7% 314,790 Source: Zuckerman, Phil. "Atheism: Contemporary Rates and Patterns", chapter in The Cambridge Companion to Atheism, ed. by Michael Martin, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK (2005).
11 :
12 :
I'll take communism for $100, Alex. I'm female. I want nothing to do w/ religious fundamentalism. It's very repressive towards women.
13 :
Most Western nations are Atheist. Their "Judeo-Christian tradition" has been eliminated from the lives of their citizens long ago. So I would say Atheist since the devil that you know is always better that the devil that you don't know. And that Devil is in the details.......
14 :
What do you mean "Europe?" Sweden is near to an atheist country. Europe is not a country at all. Without better measures, I'm left comparing Atheist Sweden to Religious Philippines, which is as much an apples-and-oranges as your question. Try this quote on: "Sociologically, Communism is as much a religion as other "traditional" religions such as Islam or Christianity, although it promotes (often forcibly) beliefs which would categorize its adherents as atheists."
15 :
Do you realize that most people in Cuba practice either Catholicism or Santeria (or a mix of the two?) In 1991, however, the Communist Party lifted its prohibition against religious believers seeking membership, and a year later the constitution was amended to characterize the state as secular instead of atheist.
16 :
I'll stay right here. I fear nothing and I have honestly been tortured for my faith when I was only 19. Faith can only be given away, they can't take it from you. Atheists and communists are not "all powerful" and are definitely not to be feared.
17 :
I'd take the Commies. You can at least fight the commies in the arena of ideas...up to a certain point...maybe you can have at least a conversation. Since commies are godless, I'd at least have God on my side. But in the Islamic countries, I'd get my head sliced off. There is no reasoning or rationalizing with religious zealots. Not godless people, therefore the playing field is leveled out. Plus, at least the commies allow Vodka.
18 :
I am not a Christian but wanted to answer this anyway. I may choose atheist/ communist than Islam where women are treated like third class citizens .(just after cattle and property)

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