Thursday, July 1, 2010

Would we live in a better world if totalitarian islam was destroyed

Would we live in a better world if totalitarian islam was destroyed?
They live in a backwards and morally corrupt society. They kill dissidents, homosexuals, and non-muslims. Pakistan, Yemen, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, etc. all do this, in addition to assisting the terrorists in bombing embassies, trains, buildings, hospitals, etc. They also steal the oil of American companies. I'm not advocating nation-building, I'm advocating assisting Israel on attacking the root of the problem, Iran, before totalitarian islam spreads to western europe and the U.S.
Politics - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Of course.
2 :
3 :
We would live in a better world if fundamentalism (especially Islamic and Christian) were to disappear, but to destroy them would involve use of their violent methods.
4 :
That sounds brilliant. Let's invade Iraq. I mean Iran. What could possibly go wrong?
5 :
Yes, God Save The OIL!
6 :
Extremism of any sort is unacceptable ... and many could argue that the USA is also a morally corrupt society ... !
7 :
Will attacking them solve anything or will it ignite their fury? Islam only spreads to those who want to be a part of it (in terms of countries). The United States hates Muslims enough already, we don't need to further persecute those who are generalized under unfair titles including "murderer" and "terrorist". Pakistan does not kill non-muslims, and they do not kill homosexuals. They punish dissidents but not always with death. I do not know as much about the other countries but I am sure they do not kill just for being a different religion (although some probably do). Go ahead and try to destroy an entire religion and you'll look just like the extremist muslims, trying to destroy other religions. Hypocrite.
8 :
of course not . why do ppl only look at one side of the equation ?? then they just stick to their sides with no open mindedness. These islamic nations are at war but that does not mean the religion is currupt. why would u want to get rid of islam? what about the oppression innocent muslims face in the US because they are muslim . What about the innocent muslims who are captured by isrealian armies? why do ppl only attack my religion and dont consider the opression they face. let me ask u this .. if these nations are at war with isreal and the world do you not think that they too woul have been oppressed since war constitutes to this kind of behaviour. and dont say they started this war because there is no true evidence u can find of who attacked who first.
9 :
They just need to live as the western people of the world. they live in the dark ages and they don't have any respect for their women. im sure they don't like it but that's the truth.
10 :
Islam is NOT totalitarian. Get your facts straight! Ignorance...
11 :
As along as its not here, I don't care.
12 :
The problem with the Muslim World is not Islam itself. Their problem stems from the fact that the Muslim World is not a secular civilization but a theocracy ruled by religion. Their laws, culture, politics, and way of life, are all influenced and ruled by Islam. In secular civilizations like the U.S and all throughout Europe, religion does not have power and control over it's citizens. Religion does not influence and control the laws in which we live by. No one in the U.S is going to be imprisoned for violating the laws of the Bible. However, if the U.S was a theocracy, and our whole way of life was ruled by religion, then the U.S would become just like the Muslim world with regard to religious extremism and people being killed and imprisoned for violating the laws of the bible. In a secular society religion is free to exist and people are free to worship as they choose, but religion will never have the power to impose itself on society or our laws.

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