Monday, June 21, 2010

Do u know what the jews did to their former countries where they used to live before israel

Do u know what the jews did to their former countries where they used to live before israel?
Listen to this,before the jews made israel on palestinian land,thousands of jews used to live in all Islamic&arabic countries(like Egypt,Yemen,Moroco,,,,,etc) hapilly and no one bothered them,they used to live as citicenze of these countries,like all other citizens from all religions,they had all their rights preserved,same like the jews who live in usa & europe today. But after the zionists took the land of palastine by FORCE,and made a jewish country on it,most of the jews immigrated from their original Muslim countries to Israel,and gess what they did to their former home countries were they was born and lived all their lives, They turned on them and started fighting & kiling Muslims and Arabs,kiling the same ppl they used to live with and grew up with,also they tried a lot to invade there former home countries(Egypt,lebanon,Jordan... massacred their ppl,only cause they found the power to do that with the help of the big nation then(uk,France&usa) . Also the jews who didnt leave to israel,most of them worked as spys to israel,in the 50s,jews in Egypt started to blow the official american offices in Egypt(they were the first terrorists to target CIV),and tried to make it look like the Egyptians r the ones who done it to creat problems and conflicts btw Egypt and usa,but they were caught and all the world new about it,so the rest of them were expeled to israel!!! Those r the jews . zionists r like a VIRUS,u can never trust them, they r ur friends today as long as they need u,and tomorow they r ur WORST enemy. Wake up ppl Typicall zionist answers,as i expected most of the answers didnt debate what i stated,cause they know its true, so they changed the subject!!! im not talking about ancient history,and who owns the land of palastine, i'm talking about the jews behavior with there former home countries!!! and for the (imminnic),u r totaly wrong,first ,jews used to live in Muslim countries very well before israel,even a jew became a minister in the Egyptian gov in the 30s&40s,they used to own big businesses and made a lot of money,which they used after that to destroy and kill Egyptian! Also what u r talking about (THEMA) not dimmah ,and its a system like tax system now,it said that non-Muslims who lives in a Muslim country,have to pay JEZYAH,same like taxes now,and the Muslims have to pay ZAKAT,so both were paying taxes just with different names, i think this is fair.
Politics - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Realize that ancient history can contest that the land once was in control by Jews before being kicked out (by the ancestors of many Palestinians). So then you tread on the old argument as to who's land was it first. That's one you can't win, regardless of which side you're on. In addition, Jews lived peacefully with Palestinians during the past few centuries in what is called Israel today. There weren't many there, which I'm sure had to do a lot with the peaceful coexistence. But after many Jews faced persecution and resentment in Europe in the early 1900s, many Jewish leaders called for a return to the homeland (Israel). During this time, they simply just migrated. Palestinians increasingly became aware of the growing numbers and the ancient hatred between the cultures flared up again. Slowly one event at a time, things began to escalate. That's when help was sought from the U.K. and other countries. I think you need to revisit history and your facts before you make the blatant accusation that Jews just attacked Palestinians. You couldn't be more off base...
2 :
those jews tried to take over my land of palestine and in the Quran it says that they want the land to worship a cow.... f*** dem NIggs......and the Quran also says that in the end of time palestine will be ours once again its happening Hello Gaza strip?
3 :
Jews have no country at that time, so they built the pyramids in Egypt and they were nearly exterminated as a race during World War II in Germany. It was lucky that they rebuilt in the US and established Israel and became a state.
4 :
God promised that land to the Jews and that land was stolen from the Jews thousands of years ago. don't cry about them taking back what is rightfully theirs. why can't they just leave the Jews alone
5 :
6 :
You lie well. What is Dhimma? a term which refers in Islamic law to a pact contracted between non-Muslims and authorities from their Muslim government. This status was originally only made available to non-Muslims who were People of the Book (i.e. Jews and Christians), Dhimmis were allowed to "practice their religion, subject to certain conditions, and to enjoy a measure of communal autonomy" and guaranteed their personal safety and security of property, in return for paying tribute to Muslims and accepting Muslim supremacy. Taxation from the perspective of Dhimmis who came under the Muslim rule, Cahen states, was "a concrete continuation of the taxes paid to earlier regimes" and from the point of view of the Muslim conqueror was a material proof of Dhimmi's subjection. Various restrictions and legal disabilities placed on Dhimmis, such as prohibitions against bearing arms or giving testimony in courts in cases involving Muslims. Most of these disabilities had a social and symbolic rather than a tangible and practical character. Disarmed and unable to defend themselves in courts, dhimmis were vulnerable to the whims of rulers and the violence of mobs. No Jews or Christians are allowed to live in Saudi Arabia Outside of Saudi Arabia, pre-existing synagogues and churches are allowed, but no new ones may be built, and permission must be obtained to repair old ones. Synagogues and churches may never be apparent, no Jewish stars, no crosses, no church bells. They may never be higher than any mosque. There may be no public processions, and funerals must be discreet. Jews may not enter mosques on penalty of death. In the "good old days", Jews were killed for coming too close to a mosque. In fact, it is forbidden to complain out loud. Anything taken as a criticism of Islam or Muhammad is punished by death. A non-Muslim proselytizing a Muslim is killed. A Muslim who converts is killed. A non-Muslim who becomes a Muslim and then reverts is killed. A Jew who struck a Muslim was killed. There is no such thing as a Muslim murdering a Jew; at most it is manslaughter and the killer pays a fine. There is no such thing as the rape of a Jewish woman by a Muslim. (The idea that Sephardic Jews are "pure Jews identical to the ones who originally lived in Judea" is idiotic.) Jews may not testify in a court of law against a Muslim, and have no legal recourse to anything done to them by a Muslim.
7 :
they are realy bad people that's why they dont have a country of theirs own only after 1948 and that't are also the reason why the nazi killed 6 million of them during ww2.
8 :
Nah, shut up, go tell it to Olmert.
9 :
that is absolute crap that runs out of your mouth ,you really havent got a clue ,have you?.for starters most jews lived in europe and classed themselves as whatever country they were in,not like others,an example is african americans, lebanese americans, and so on, you are either one or the other,in russia jews were not alloud to own land,and it was similar in most countries,and i will say this for the last time,original israel around 3000 years ago covered( jordan lebanon palestine these are places that were created by arabs) parts of egypt syria.the whole lots was israel until roman and arabs stole the land from jews and drove them out,
10 :
Let's leave aside all of the other drivel you spout and begin with the truth that the Jews did NOT create Israel by force. Israel was created by an act of the United Nations which partitioned the British Mandate of Palestine. It was therefore created by international LAW. The Arabs then attacked it in violation of that international law. They outnumbered the Israelis by only 10,000 to one. So naturally, the Israelis won. That, it would seem, demonstrates the relative value of Arabs to Israelis. Now all the Arabs can do is whine about it on the Internet or strap bombs to themselves. If they Muslims were men and not dogs they could win a stand up fight face to face. But they can't...can they?

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