Sunday, October 14, 2012

What do you think of my opinion on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

What do you think of my opinion on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
I consider myself anti-Israel. I have no grudge of any kind not even the slightest toward the Jewish people nor toward any of the Israeli Jews as well. I love people of all kinds of races, ethnicities, religions especially the ones i know. I have began to put myself in both of their shoes. the shoes of both sides. Jew's can live in Palestine not in palestinian terroriteries if Israel does not allow non-Jewish palestinians to do so in Terrorities outside of the West Bank, gaza strip and Jerusalem. I blame Israel for the conflict not the Jews, usually when you say Israel people think you actually refer to entire Israel even the Jews of living in it. anti-Israel haters refer to the people in power of Israel when they mention Israel, not all of Israel. Let their be no confusion, people say Iran is against Jews how is that when Iran has Jewish communities living within its entire land. I understand how Israelis feel about the attacks on their country but they should consider how the palestinians feel about having Israeli tanks run down their houses, bombing and shooting their faimilies and friends and having their homes being replaced by Israelis as non-jewish palestinians are limited to their terroriteries. If I was President of the United States I would not support Israel if it conitinued its alleged mistreatment toward palestinians, I would not support Hamas, Hezaballah nor Iran as they already have enough from elsewhere. I would only support yemen, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Britan and any country that helps us fight our real enemies al qaeda. I wonder if palestinians decide to stop attacking Israeli civilians and start attacking Israeli soliders will they that still be considered terrorism.
Military - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
There is more to this dispute than you realize. One of my colleague's is Palestinian. Hamas murdered several members of my colleague's family. Hamas is funded by Iran and does the bidding of Iran. Although my colleague is Palestinian, my colleague considers Hamas and Iran to be a much greater threat to him and his family than Israel is. .
2 :
On the surface one might see it that way but it is a simplistic view that misses many, many of the base issues.
3 :
Since there has never been a Culture known as Palestinian I would have to say you do not know crap about the history of the area. Judea was renamed Palestina by the Romans around 170AD perhaps earlier. Beginning in the late 19th century Jews PURCHASED land from the Ottoman owners and settled in. The current problems relate to the 1967 INVASION of Israel. Those who lost their a$$ want what they lost back. Screw em. They made the problem let them fix it. Jordan is the Palestinian state created by the British Mandate. In short the sorry MF's can go beyond a 4th grade education, stop making war and get their sorry butts to work building a country that respects it's next door neighbor. Till then let em die in mass each time they shoot into Israel. Try reading a book!
4 :
Palestinians were dancing in the streets on September 11, 2001. To hell with all of them. Israel should just do the world a favor and wipe them out.
5 :
before it became known as Palestine, The Jews were living in palestine for hundreds of years. It was then called Judea, hence the name Jew. When the romans controlled the country, the Philistines, who until then were a nomadic people settled in Judea, and called the area they lived in Palestine. Both jews and palestinians lived in peace for hundreds of years. Then the Palestinians decided to occupy more land until it came to war between the two sides. This lasted fo a long time until in 1920, under the Balfour Treaty which was agreed by Egypt, Jordan and the Palestinians, that the jews wer given the Gaza Strip, the West bank and the Golan heights to live on.

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