Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Why do people think that Jews were treated well under Muslim rule

Why do people think that Jews were treated well under Muslim rule?
Where did this myth come from? -Muhammad traveled to Medina in 622 A.D. to attract followers to his new faith. When the Jews of Medina refused to recognize Muhammad as their Prophet, two of the major Jewish tribes were expelled. -In 627, Muhammad's followers killed between 600 and 900 of the Jewish men, and divided the surviving Jewish women and children amongst themselves. -The Muslim attitude toward Jews is reflected in various verses throughout the Koran, the holy book of the Islamic faith. "They [the Children of Israel] were consigned to humiliation and wretchedness. They brought the wrath of God upon themselves, and this because they used to deny God's signs and kill His Prophets unjustly and because they disobeyed and were transgressors" (Sura 2:61). According to the Koran, the Jews try to introduce corruption (5:64), have always been disobedient (5:78), and are enemies of Allah, the Prophet and the angels (2:97-98). -Jews were generally viewed with contempt by their Muslim neighbors; peaceful coexistence between the two groups involved the subordination and degradation of the Jews. -In the ninth century, Baghdad's Caliph al-Mutawakkil designated a yellow badge for Jews, setting a precedent that would be followed centuries later in Nazi Germany. -At various times, Jews in Muslim lands lived in relative peace and thrived culturally and economically. The position of the Jews was never secure, however, and changes in the political or social climate would often lead to persecution, violence and death. - On December 30, 1066, Joseph HaNagid, the Jewish vizier of Granada, Spain, was crucified by an Arab mob that proceeded to raze the Jewish quarter of the city and slaughter its 5,000 inhabitants. The riot was incited by Muslim preachers who had angrily objected to what they saw as inordinate Jewish political power. -Similarly, in 1465, Arab mobs in Fez slaughtered thousands of Jews, leaving only 11 alive, after a Jewish deputy vizier treated a Muslim woman in "an offensive manner." The killings touched off a wave of similar massacres throughout Morocco. -Other mass murders of Jews in Arab lands occurred in Morocco in the 8th century, where whole communities were wiped out by the Muslim ruler Idris I -North Africa in the 12th century, where the Almohads either forcibly converted or decimated several communities - Libya in 1785, where Ali Burzi Pasha murdered hundreds of Jews -Algiers, where Jews were massacred in 1805, 1815 and 1830 -Marrakesh, Morocco, where more than 300 hundred Jews were murdered between 1864 and 1880. -Decrees ordering the destruction of synagogues were enacted in Egypt and Syria (1014, 1293, 1301), Iraq (854, ­859, 1344) and Yemen (1676). Despite the Koran's prohibition, Jews were forced to convert to Islam or face death in Yemen (1165 and 1678), Morocco (1275, 1465 and 1790) and Baghdad (1333 and 1344). -Jews in most of North Africa (including Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Morocco) were forced to live in ghettos. -In Morocco, which contained the largest Jewish community in the Islamic Diaspora, Jews were made to walk barefoot or wear shoes of straw when outside the ghetto. Even Muslim children participated in the degradation of Jews, by throwing stones at them or harassing them in other ways. -The frequency of anti-Jewish violence increased, and many Jews were executed on charges of apostasy. Ritual murder accusations against the Jews became commonplace in the Ottoman Empire. -UN Syrian delegate, Faris el-Khouri, warned: "There is difficulty in protecting and safeguarding the Jews in the Arab world." -More than a thousand Jews were killed in anti-Jewish rioting during the 1940's in Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Syria and Yemen. This helped trigger the mass exodus of Jews from Arab countries. "It would not be difficult to put together the names of a very sizeable number Jewish subjects or citizens of the Islamic area who have attained to high rank, to power, to great financial influence, to significant and recognized intellectual attainment; and the same could be done for Christians. But it would again not be difficult to compile a lengthy list of persecutions, arbitrary confiscations, attempted forced conversions, or pogroms." -Orientalist G.E. von Grunebaum This is only a shortened version of the vast list of atrocities. SO where did the myth that Arabs treated Jews well, come from? @Lina excuse me for being ungrateful to just about everyone for nearly wiping out my people. How many Muslims are there? How many Jews are there? You should be grateful that your numbers arent dwindling. Muslims should be the last people in the world to talk about any human rights violations. They have taken more land by the sword than anyone.
Israel - 15 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
it is a lot to read so I just skip let me say that i loved your pic:D
2 :
its the palestinian occupation of peoples minds.
3 :
First of all I would like to congratulate your parents for doing such an excellent job on brainwashing you by far this is the best I've ever seen. Secondly it amazes me how you came to such a ridiculous conclusion when all your arguments are based on baseless accusations. Thirdly if you want the truth ask any Jew that lives in an Arabic country and they will surprise you with what they have to say. Fourthly I know that you never bothered to read about Jewish Muslim relationships because if you did then you would know that we Sephardi Jews were rescued by the Muslims from a life of virtual slavery by Spanish Christians nd were treated as equals by the Muslims in Spain, as a matter of fact we had our golden age under muslim rule. I am living proof of that. Here's a history lesson for you when the Spanish Inquisition started about 500 years ago my ancestors fled Spain and decided to settle in Ottoman controlled Lebanon which was Turkish Muslim, they didn't fled to Germany, China or the New World they went (according to my grandfather) where they knew that they will be treated right (Live with our Muslim cousins. Fifthly My Grandfather was a WWII war hero it's for him that my family has French citizenship he served during the war in the 13th french Foreign Legion Semi-Brigade which was made up of Arabs he had his chance to serve with Europeans but he and his brother (His brother was KIA in Africa) both chose to serve with what they call a (Family Affair) Sexily Jews founded Medina, Jews were the first people to embrace and convert to Islam, and the Curran was taken almost word for word from the My Torah
4 :
Considering the conditions of the Jews throughout most of history, the Middle East actually has the best record. Up until recently, where their record has plummeted to great comparative lows. Jews were actually very successful in many Muslim places, so it's not an unfair claim. Were, unfortunately: Not to downplay current Jewish successes in the Arab/Muslim world, but they aren't to the level they were at, most of the genius relocated to Israel or elsewhere outside of the Middle East. Blame the state of Israel if you want: Much of it has origins that are observable before either Zionism or Israel were buzz words in those parts. Some states do seem to treat the Jews well. Turkey doesn't seem to denying them rights (though, some Turkish Jews seem scared, still). Iran, surprisingly, has a better record than most Arab states (though, their record to other religions and types of people needs MAJOR reconstructing). Bahrain has 33~ish, so I think they get the idea that they aren't a threat. However, some states suck. There is no other way I'd put it. I'd rather DIE than be relocated to Yemen, for example. Jews requiring government assistance to live is not a good thing. They have to have constant protection, live in specified places, and it sickens me that Satmar is probably funding them because they want to show "alternatives" to Israel. Syria, also, restricted travel, property ownership, and education. Libya has been completely clean of Jews for some time, though no one can blame the Jews for leaving there at this point. There has always been prejudice against the Jews. Europe has theirs more obvious in history books, but there was always contempt for the Jews somewhere in the Arab World, they weren't immune. Haman came from somewhere, right?
5 :
My input: Be true to your self. Keep your powder dry. Ignore the media lackeys.
6 :
PEOPLE don´t think so. Only muslims.
7 :
NABIL, you say what she says is baseless propaganda yet... she's using the same source you're providing.
8 :
yea still don't come close to Christian totals (6 MILLION in just FIVE years alone in the 20th century), but nice try.Emperor Bajazet II of Turkey addressed a firman to all the governors of his European provinces, ordering them not only to refrain from repelling the Spanish refugees, but to give them a friendly and welcome reception. He threatened with death all those who treated the Jews harshly or refused them admission into the empire. You think that had something to do with it? Heck, they couldn't even LIVE in England. •In the middle of the fourth century the first synagogue was destroyed on command of bishop Innocentius of Dertona in Northern Italy. The first synagogue known to have been burned down was near the river Euphrat, on command of the bishop of Kallinikon in the year 388. •17. Council of Toledo 694: Jews were enslaved, their property confiscated, and their children forcibly baptized. •The Bishop of Limoges (France) in 1010 had the cities' Jews, who would not convert to Christianity, expelled or killed. •First Crusade: Thousands of Jews slaughtered 1096, maybe 12,000 total. Places: Worms 5/18/1096, Mainz 5/27/1096 (1100 persons), Cologne, Neuss, Altenahr, Wevelinghoven, Xanten, Moers, Dortmund, Kerpen, Trier, Metz, Regensburg, Prag and others (All locations Germany except Metz/France, Prag/Czech) •Second Crusade: 1147. Several hundred Jews were slain in Ham, Sully, Carentan, and Rameru (all locations in France). •Third Crusade: English Jewish communities sacked 1189/90. •Fulda/Germany 1235: 34 Jewish men and women slain. •1257, 1267: Jewish communities of London, Canterbury, Northampton, Lincoln, Cambridge, and others exterminated. •1290 in Bohemian (Poland) allegedly 10,000 Jews killed. •1337 Starting in Deggendorf/Germany a Jew-killing craze reaches 51 towns in Bavaria, Austria, Poland. •1348 All Jews of Basel/Switzerland and Strasbourg/France (two thousand) burned. •1349 In more than 350 towns in Germany all Jews murdered, mostly burned alive (in this one year more Jews were killed than Christians in 200 years of ancient Roman persecution of Christians). •1389 In Prag 3,000 Jews were slaughtered. •1391 Seville's Jews killed (Archbishop Martinez leading). 4,000 were slain, 25,000 sold as slaves. Their identification was made easy by the brightly colored "badges of shame" that all jews above the age of ten had been forced to wear. •1492: In the year Columbus set sail to conquer a New World, more than 150,000 Jews were expelled from Spain, many died on their way: 6/30/1492. Haven't even touched on pogroms oh and this little gem 1648 Chmielnitzki massacres: In Poland about 200,000 Jews were slain. These are the MAJOR ones. Not including the "blood libel" that would result in the death of a family or two. And where do you think they went to so as to escape all that "Christian brotherly love"? And it saddens me to say I got much more, if this wasn't convincing enough.
9 :
Well, in the early part of their history, Muslims, unlike other religions like *cough* Christians, gave people the option to live as religious minorities in areas they occupied. I am thinking of Andalusia. Christians gave people the lovely ultimatum, convert or die. Jews, living as minorities, were restricted in the kinds of jobs they could have, the kinds of titles they could hold, etc. Muslims had a different style of rule, at least for a while. You are welcome to make a laundry list of bad things that Muslims did to Jews. But the truth is, no group has the upper-hand when it comes to morality.
10 :
I know that this is not their fault. The Jews were immigrants on their land. They had to play by their rules and say "thank you mister" from times to times. Asking always more and more for nothing in return, lead to those awful things you wrote. It is how the Jewish people think. They are the ones who are wrong and not everybody else .....but them. Why can't you understand something so simple? I want you to promise me that you will try and understand the truth senor, OK?
11 :
It´s just another fairy tale muslims tell to non-muslims. Another versions of this tale include: -islam is the religion of peace(but of the 32 conflicts currently raging in the world, Muslims figure in 28. In just 60 first years of Islam, muslims waged over a hundred aggressive wars against non- muslims); - islam forbids the attacks on civilians(but of the 10,300 terrorist attacks on civilians which were perpetrated by all the terrorist groups of the world in 2009, more than 9,000 were perpetrated by muslims); - muslims condemn the terrorist attacks on civilians( but 50% of muslims worldwide support AlQaeda and over 60% of muslims worldwide consider the attacks on civilians "justified always or sometimes") It´s just another propagandistic muslim lie, nothing more.
12 :
Well your last question "Arabs treated Jews well" destroys every thing! Arabs are race not religion, you do know that there yemeni jews who are pure arabs? If not then you need some serious education. I read some of your claims and it doesnt matter how they "were" treated because its in the past, but what arabs are currently "getting" from the jews is horrible.
13 :
Here is something people need to understand about Jewish history. Until modern times (19th-20th centuries), Jews were second class citizens at best. Everywhere. In every century. THUS, claiming that Jews were treated well under Muslim rule is a claim lacking in CONTEXT. I'm not saying it is wrong. I'm just saying that the followup question should be: "In comparison to what under what circumstance?" If you are going to compare Jewish life in Medieval Times in Christian countries RELATIVE to Muslim countries, then that would be a fairly accurate statement. If you were to compare it to modern standards of treatment under how we understand current democratic rights, then answer would be no. Here is something to consider: Maimonidies was born in Spain. When he was young (in his 20s) he had to flee to Morocco with his family. Why? Well, beforehand, the Muslim rulers treated Jews well. But then, a different extremist Muslim group took over and started persecuting Jews (to the point that some actually fled to the Christian city-states of Spain).
14 :
I didn't read all your post, but i noticed in the first 2 points u only thought it's enough to say what happened to them and not mentioning WHY it happened to them. 1. the two tribes weren't expelled because they refused Muhammad, but because they were traitors,they broke the treaty they made with Muhammad about protecting their town, they planned with the Quraish Tribe (who were their enemies and used to kill any Muslim) to attack Medina to kill all the Muslims who immigrated there, they also tried to kill Muhammad many times. 2. those who were killed were warriors who were from the tribe of Banu Quraiza who broke the treaty with Muhammad and committed a treason and planned with the enemy to attack and kill the residents of Medina, as i said above, those who were killed were 400 not 600 or 900 Muhammad asked them to choose between 2 people to judge them, he offered an ex Jew who was their ally, and he offered himself to judge on their crime. they chose the ex-Jew, He brought the penalty from their OWN book Torah, which is death to traitors. If they chose Muhammad, he wouldn't have killed them, he would have expelled them as he did with the other Jewish tribe (Banu Nudair) who did the same thing. Also another thing, don't bring some incidents of riots that happened against the Jews AFTER the creation of Zionism and the Balfour declaration, because as we all know, Zionism created all problems U also know that minorities usually feel discriminated, and some people are racists(not all) and racists create strife and hate toward others, as the Jews were discriminated (since they were a minority), till this day, Christians or Muslims when they are minorities they are also discriminated, the majority of Muslims in Europe and USA are highly discriminated. You are such an ungrateful person who didn't even mention when the Muslims helped, defended, welcomed, saved, fought for, the Jews when the Crusaders invaded and when the Inquisition happened. EDIT: saying what u just said made me sure it's due to the lack of knowledge of the Islamic history.
15 :
If it weren't for Muslim leniency, there is a good chance your people would not exist today.

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