Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Why do people think that muslim Extremist's are power hungry

Why do people think that muslim Extremist's are power hungry?
well, i don't believe that to be there main objective. Extremism i believe is a result of injustice, and no not all people that are in religous extremist groups have ever been subjected to injustice, they are sympathizers amongst the cause of them. for example, the Taliban, what injustice have they have been subjected to, and yet they subject afghan's to injustice, well at least only those who wanted to enjoy freedom's which islam allowed and which unfortunaletly the Taliban rejected for some reason. well, now the Taliban is unfortunately gaining support in afghanistan or at least has, because of the horrible policy of the bush adminstration and so are the extremist's in the pakistani border, due to those u.s. airstrikes over civilan area's in both country borders, which put civilan live in danger, and cause the relatives of those killed to join up with the taliban or other extremist's. and remember the attack on the u.s. embassy in the capital of san'a in yemen, i believe that the extremist's attacked it because . . . . no no nothing to do with the u.s. foreign policy in middle east/muslim countries . . . . . well because of injustice they have been subjected to by yemeni president Ali abdullah Saleh. well i at least i heard this on the wikipedia encyclopedia and on the news i heard they warned of future attacks on foreign embassie's and i also believe foreign interset's/visiters(no matter where you come from as long as your a foreigner) and others until the president of their country(yemen) gives them what they want. the objective of these extremist's in yemen was to weaken the economy of yemen by scaring away foreigners/attacking foreign interset's in an effort to get the president to give them what they want, well i believe that they were wrong for attacking the u.s. embassy in san'a regardless of their cause & same for the mumabi attackers. well the mumabi attackers in india were from pakistan, probbaly of pakistani or indian orgin, they attacked the mumbai hotel because of injustice done to indian muslim's under the indian government, but they attacked anyone in the hotel, even muslims. by the extremists in yemen were more extreme than al Qaeda, but they were believed to be linked to al Qaeda, hey al Qaeda would only attack westerners/jews/british and those who are government employees or in someway work for them and its believed osama bin laden is of yemeni orgin, thats interseting cause i don't believe alot people in america have heard of yemen. well the only groups i know who are power hungry is Hamas who is power hungry to take over palestinian terroritie's and the Taliban in afghanistan. Hamas is believed to represent the palestinian cause, and they probbaly won't end their hate campiagan against Israel until Israel gives them all that they want(not including the control of both palestinian terroritiries) which is to end the aggression against palestinians, to stop settlement growth and to get rid of settlements, and to grant palestinians living outside of Palestine the right to return to the west bank, jerusalem and the gaza strip and a few other thing'(s).
Current Events - 2 Answers
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1 :
They're not hungry.
2 :
money and power make people very brutal. once terrorist establish their chokehold on a land, they start profiting from it. it's easy money - extortion, drugs, ext. the position of power and the claim of being a hero also and the promise of afterlife all make the deal seem very appealing. so weak people who crave respect and are tempted with the prospect of loot and easy life get attracted to this life, just like their ancestors found piracy so appealing. Hamas don't want only the west bank & Jerusalem, they want to take over Israel(right of return is not to Jerusalem - they were never deported from Jerusalem & the west bank). the Palestinians are poor, and they have their eyes on the big prize, one of the richest countries in the area.

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