Saturday, April 21, 2012

What makes an Israeli? I need honest answers form Israeli or born Jewish people

What makes an Israeli? I need honest answers form Israeli or born Jewish people.?
As far as I know that everyone who is claiming to be Jewish is entitle to live in Israel regardless of where they come from (Russia, Ethiopia, America, Argentina, Yemen etc...) Right? But I'm wondering, I have a friend who is converting to Judaism; he told me that he wants to go to Israel and live there as an Israeli citizen. Now is that fair for the rest of the Israelis? Is that right or ethical? I mean it just doesn't make sense to me, he was born Christian, and he never lived outside his country (an English speaking country), and just because he opted to become Jewish, he then would be entitled to be an Israeli!!! Okay, there is a muslim guy and he claims that he converted to Judaism, would he be an Israeli by default? Just because he has a paper from a rabbi stating that he's Jewish! I really need honest answers form Israeli or born Jewish people.
Immigration - 3 Answers
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The Israeli Constitution has a "Right of Return" provision allowing all "Jews" to move to Israel. Notwithstanding, proof of being Jewish is a matter often requiring approval by religious dominated boards. A declaration of Jewishness is not an automatic open door. In the case of converts, one normally needs conversion performed by Orthodox Rabbi's affiliated with recognized authority. Others converted through Conservative or Reformed programs are unlikely to be allowed to enter under the "Right to Return" but otherwise allowed under more generalized emigration statutes. Outside of conversion, the Right to Return is restricted to individuals with Jewish mothers. My own Jewish experience is that Jewishness is as much cultural as religious. This very much includes being socially progressive, charitable to all, ethically, morally and behavior in high standards in treatment and respect towards all others. Bernie Madoff is an unexplainable embarrassment and abomination but proof that not all those labelled "Jewish" fulfill cultural standards. I noticed Jews arriving from Communist countries, raised in communist cultures to behaved, in business, outside expectations for Jewish business people. I further noticed that their children and grandchildren raised in the U.S. or Europe have readily adapted to higher Jewish community expectations and standards. The point being is that the religious component of being Jewish is beyond a piece of paper signed to prove conversion, beyond birth to a Jewish mother and beyond genetic/historical proof. A former Mayor of Jerusalem stated that a "Jew" is anyone who claims to be one. That is the ultimate test. Being Jewish is as much a burden as it is an honor. Anyone seeking such a badge undertakes a tremendous obligation. And as we have seen a rise in Anti-Semitism and increasing numbers of Holocaust deniers, it is not without risk. An Israeli is a Jew, Christian or Muslim living in a Jewish State. It is a homeland for the Jewish people but non-sectarian in treatment of people. There exist side by side civil courts and Jewish courts. Jewish courts require the parties volunteer to accept their jurisdiction and cases may be brought for matters of religious interpretation as well as for mediation of civil problems primarily for Orthodox Jews. The behavior by the Isaeli government often conflicts with expectations and wishes of American Jewry with respect towards Palestinian treatment, West Bank land settlements and Middle East Peace. Jews, Arabs and Christians once lived together in peace. I cannot help but believe the constant Arab missile attacks, State of War and rejection of the idea of a Jewish homeland has not dulled or destroyed a large measure of the Jewish sole killing the humanity required to make a true and lasting peace. But one needs partners to make peace and Israeli's recognize that political leadership in many neighboring countries find it crucial to keep Israel an enemy to focus the masses attention away from governmental incompetence, graft and power hunger keeping Arab people from progress and prosperity.
3 :
According to the secular law, anyone born to a Jewish parent (whether or not he is Jewish according to Jewish Law, halakha) can get automatic citizenship. Also anyone who had even one Jewish grandparent. And one who is married to a Jew. This does not make them Jewish, and if they want to marry a Jew they must undergo religious conversion. BLCOHEN5 has confused being halakhically Jewish with being eligible for automatic Israeli citizenship. .

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