Saturday, December 1, 2012


WRONG CATEGORY I KNOW I got an e-mail from a lady named Edna Berger. This is what she said: Greetings, I am Mrs Edna Berger a citizen of Yemen but currently residing in the African. I am married to Late Willima Berger of blessed memory who was an oil explorer in Yemen and Angola for twelve years before he died in the year 2006. We were married for twelve years without a child; he died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days. Since his death I too have been battling with both Cancer of the lungs and fibroid problems. When my late Husband was alive he deposited a substantial amount of money worth Twelve Million American dollars with a Financial Institution here in Nigeria which I inherited after his death. Just recently, my doctor told me that I have only 2 month to live due to my unfortunate ailment. Having known my condition I decided to hand over this funds to a devoted God fearing individual that will utilize this money for charity purpose and to help the needy the way i am going to instruct therein. I want the individual to use this money in all sincerity to fund charity homes (motherless homes), orphanages, and widows. I took this decision because I don’t have any child that will inherit this money and my husband relatives are into radical organization and I don’t want a situation where this money will be used in an unholy manner, Hence the reasons for this bold decision. Please, pray for me to recover as your prayers will go a long way in uplifting my spirit. I don0t need any telephone communication in this regard because of my health condition which has seriously affected my hearing and also because of the presence of my husband’s relatives around me always for i don’t want them to know about this development. As soon as I receive your reply on Email: I shall give you further directives on what to do and how to go about actualizing this project. I will also instruct my lawyer to file an application on your behalf to the bank where the funds were deposited for the transfer of the money to you for this purpose. I want you to always pray for me.Any delay in your reply will give room in sourcing for an organization or a devoted Individual for this same purpose. Until I hear from you by email:( my dreams will rest squarely on your shoulders. Remain blessed. Mrs. Edna Berger **I replied and she then sent me this: Hello, How are you, I hope all is well with you, I thank God for today. I pray God will help you, thank you very much for your kind love. All I need from you now is to contact my barrister who will now tell you how to contact the Bank, just write to the barrister tell him that you a sister to Mrs. Edna Berger, that she is your elder sister who has been sick for some time. That you need his assistance in claiming the funds that she deposited in union bank plc. The name of the barrister is Erika Oboma,this is his email address: as soon as you contact my barrister he will now tell you how to contact the Bank. So my dear beloved I look up to you in this regards, I pray God will guard you. Yours in Christ, Mrs. Edna Berger **I DONT KNOW WHO SHE IS! Do u think its some scammer or something?! And why would I say she is my older sister? Couldnt I get in trouble?!
Polls & Surveys - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Who the hell is going to read all that?
2 :
I got those alot. just spam them out and don't even reply to them.
3 :
Most internet scams are from nigeria
4 :
its a scam they want your info dont do it
5 :
Sorry, but I would leave it. How did she get your email anyway and expect some random person to do this for her. No, Just leave it. I think it's a scam
6 :
it sounds like some sort of scam i would stop talking to this person
7 :
This is a very common scam. It is refered by Interpol as the '419 fraud' scheme. The usual clue is the originating email is different from the reply email and when they are insistant on asking you to supply personal identity details it is so that you put yourself at risk or are asked to send money for fees. Be very cautious.
8 :
Protect Yourself From Fraud! : - Fraud--A Global Problem - How to Protect Yourself - Where Can You Find Morality? > Six Common E-mail Scams Snope's - Courier Parcel Scam (Read the entire page, & click on "Examples" at the end, then read those, too. The email you received belongs in that list, if it isn't already.) Delete ALL emails from sources you do not personally know, as SPAM! Especially when money is involved, but, do it anyway!
9 :
I'm pretty sure it's a scam. I mean who would send someone they don't know a random e-mail about this? Seriously, people have sick minds and try to scam people all the time! I'd be cautious if i were u. People try to scam people all the time! Hope I helped! :D
10 :
This is a scam!! Leave it alone.
11 :
scam. a time i got the same email from the same person to my hotmail and yahoo. when i asked, the person never replied.
12 :
It is a scam. Don't reply. Also do not send any money to this person or anyone mentioned in the email! Lending money can be very dangerous among people you do know and is especially dangerous when if you lend money to people you don't know.

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