Friday, May 14, 2010

Experiened Missing Time

Experiened Missing Time?
Earlier this month, both my husband and I experienced missing time together. The first time it we 7:50am-9:40am and then it happened a second time except it went back to 9:30am. I know the times since I remember looking at the clock that morning since I was keeping track of time for my husband to go to work. The first missing time it was like we blacked out and then hours later blacked back in. We checked all the clocks in the house even on our digital clocks and it was all the same. The second time, we didn't even notice anything no blacking out but just realizing that all clocks oncluding mobile ones went back 10 minutes in time. I know that hypnosis can bring back events of missing time but we live in Yemen for work and professionals in psychology and other fields like that isn't look good on, so there is only about 5 Dr's in the country that work in that field. Is there any other way of getting inside missing time other than hypnosis? Thanks. Sorry, if not in the right category, but I saw another question about missing time here and another about 2012. Also I doubt that any of the 5 Dr's in that field would know hypnosis that and the whole language barrier. I don't know any Arabic and a lot of these people here are still learning english. So doing hypnosis here would be rather useless.
Astronomy & Space - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Maybe you were abducted by aliens?
2 :
You should probably smoke a little bit less weed.
3 :
There is a saying "A watched pot never boils", a persons perception of time can be just like described, you should go to the library and find some books on the subject it might prove enlightening.
4 :
I have also experienced missing time on more than one occasion but funnily enough mine mostly happeneds when I am conscious & not asleep. One example is when I went for a daily walk one morning at the same time & distance I somehow lost over 1/2 hour which to this day I still don't understand. One possible explanation which is not easy to comprehend or accept is that there may be " alien " involvement of some kind. If this is the case there is not much you can do about it & you have no " choice " in what is happening to you & your husband. All you can do is go along with the missing time & hope nothing serious comes of it. You could try hypnosis one day as that sometimes helps to find the truth but as long as the missing time is not affecting you & your husbands personal health or safety in any way, I would try not to worry about it if you can !
5 :
okay, time didn't warp backwards or anything like that. if it did, everyone in the world would've noticed it. it is a simple neurological malfunction in which you can't remember the certain events of the day in chronological order. it happens to me sometimes. if this happens often, you might want to see a doctor for this could be a sign of some more advanced neurological adnormalities.

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