Friday, December 21, 2012

Do all our Jew Fed govt officials side with Israel or the US, such as Chertoff covering up 911 Mossad suspects

Do all our Jew Fed govt officials side with Israel or the US, such as Chertoff covering up 911 Mossad suspects?
The non-investigation of 9-11 was controlled by Michael Chertoff, the son of an Israeli Mossad agent and an orthodox rabbi. Chertoff oversaw the destruction of the thousands of tons of steel from the World Trade Center - crucial evidence that was shipped to Asian smelters and melted down. While Chertoff destroyed the evidence of 9-11, government appointed doctors prescribed Prozac for the grieving relatives and Kenneth Feinberg began his war of attrition on the 9-11 families. As the sole person responsible for distributing the money from the Victims Compensation Fund, Feinberg paid out nearly $7 billion to families in compensation - if they would sign the agreement not to sue the airlines or the Israeli airport security firm involved in 9-11 (Huntleigh USA/ICTS). More than 98 percent of the families accepted the money from the Feinberg-managed fund. The amounts of the payments and the amounts paid to Diane Feinberg and the 30 lawyers are not known. The American people deserve to know how the funds were used and who got paid. To understand why American Jews are willing to commit and cover-up serious crimes, even treason, on behalf of the state of Israel one needs to understand that most religious Jews in America are first obliged to serve Israel - a foreign state. American Jews are, for this reason, conflicted. Their religion obliges them to make "aliya" and live in Israel but most would prefer to stay in the United States. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis have chosen to leave "the Jewish state" and now live in the United States. While they are unwilling to leave the comfort of the United States and immigrate to Israel (aliya), most religious Jews in the United States feel strongly compelled to support and defend the state of Israel. To fulfill their obligation to the state of Israel, Zionist Jews in America have created hundreds of organizations to raise funds and support for the Zionist state in Palestine. These organizations are consolidated under an umbrella organization called the Jewish Agency. The Jewish Agency and the World Zionist Organization are two parts of the same Zionist enterprise that operates in the United States and around the world. The Jewish Agency was the Zionist organization that became the state of Israel in 1948 when a Jewish state was established in Palestine. The Jewish Agency, then headed by David Ben Gurion, literally became the apparatus of the Zionist state and Ben Gurion became the first prime minister of Israel. The Jewish Agency, headquartered in New York City after World War II, organized and funded the Haganah, the Zionist militia in Palestine, as well as the terrorist groups known as the Irgun and LEHI (the Stern Gang). Using these groups, the Jewish Agency created the Mossad LeAliyah Bet (the Agency for Illegal Immigration) in 1938 to smuggle illegal Jewish immigrants and weapons into Palestine. The Jewish Agency and the Mossad worked together to bring many thousands of Jews to Palestine - illegally - from Yemen, Iraq, Egypt, and Europe. The Jewish Agency was the Mossad. The Jewish Agency and the Mossad continued to work together after the creation of the state of Israel to bring Jews to the Zionist state. The hard-line Zionists who run Israel today are actually fighting a losing battle with demographics. The Arab population around them is growing quickly while many Israelis are leaving the Jewish state. The Israeli population has become more Russian, more extremist, and less Western in its outlook than at any time since the founding of the state in 1948. Ariel Sharon, the now comatose prime minister who ran Israel in 2001, dreamed of bringing one million Jews to Israel from the United States. In this effort he worked closely with the Jewish Agency. The current prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is a dangerous extremist who said 9-11 was "very good" for U.S.-Israeli relations on the very day of the attacks. Netanyahu has openly advocated mass expulsions of Palestinians from the Occupied Territories. During a 1989 lecture at Bar Ilan University, he said: "Israel should have exploited the repression of the demonstrations in China, when world attention focused on that country, to carry out mass expulsions of the Arabs of the territories." Later, he stated, "I still believe that there are opportunities to expel many people."
Politics - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
What time is it in Mecca?
2 :
Though some of your critique of Zionism has merit, you are mostly peddling bigotry and conspiracy theories. Your tin foil hat: it needs adjusting
3 :
Israel has absolutely no reason to harm the US. I think that any theory that Israel was behind 9/11 is purely conspiratorial and fabricated by anti-Israel groups. Beyond that, Jews are not the only Israel supporters in the United States. In fact, Republicans are generally bigger supporters of Israel than Democrats, and the Republican party is known as the more Christian party.
4 :
Yes. Reported as rant.
5 :
Not so much a question as a very detailed statement. How come you never mentioned Goldman-Sachs? 3 cheers for Yassa Arafat.

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