Friday, August 7, 2009

Religious (non-Muslim) fundamentalist, if you lived in Yemen, Saudi, Iran, Qatar etc and were one of these

Religious (non-Muslim) fundamentalist, if you lived in Yemen, Saudi, Iran, Qatar etc and were one of these ...?
Christians, women, children, atheists, gays, buddhists, jews, those 'other' sorts of muslims, artists, musicians, writers, intellectuals, doctors, university students, the rich, educated, hindus, men without beards, uncircumcised men, uncircumcised women, would you rethink how your fundamentalist views are taking you and society in your country?
Religion & Spirituality - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No, my fundamentalist views don't involve murdering anyone else for not living by them... You really don't get it do you? While Christians may disagree with you and even challenge you legally..Muslims won't bother with that..They will just kill you and in their Islamic nations it's not only acceptable it's LEGAL to do so... This is what Islam wants for the West..They don't care about your "human rights"...As a non muslim WE (Yes Christian and atheist alike) are considered subhuman....Don't believe me? Go spend 15 minutes on the Ramadan board...See how they really feel about us kuffar...
2 :
Wait, do I stay a fundamentalists Christian or not. Your question makes no sense.
3 :
Fortunately I live in a culture and part of the world that is pretty much religion free. Siberia is cold but heaven on earth compared to religion run places. Talk about recreate the dark ages, how do they live like that. :) Practicing Shaman... quantum physics rocks.

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