Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Do I have a broken needle tip in my rear end

Do I have a broken needle tip in my rear end?
Ok, So I am currently living in the Republic of Yemen and I had my tonsils out last week in a Yemeni Hospital. After the procedure a nurse came and gave me a pain shot in my rear end (closer to me left hip really.) Even since I have had a stabbing pain coming from inside that area whenever I stand up or sit down. The pain doesn't occur unless I move, and it is now the soreness or dull ache I have experienced before with other shots. It really feels like a needle jab. I didn't think much of it until a co-worker told me that she has heard of several cases of medical staff accidentally breaking off needle tips inside patients who go to this particular hospital. Does this happen? Should I be concerned? How do I know if this has happened to me? What can be done about it? Any help would be appreciated...
Injuries - 1 Answers
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I have never heard of needles breaking off from their syringe but if you say this place has a reputation then it could well have happened. The only way to conclusively know would be to get an x-ray. I am pretty sure a needle in your bum would light up very well on an x-ray film. If it is in there you need to get it removed and as the hospital put it in they should take it out. I think you would be in a lot more pain if this had actually happened. Could it be a local infection?

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