Thursday, December 1, 2011

Why is it that most hard core ILLEGAL Jewish Settlers in OCCUPIED Palestine are Jewish-Americans

Why is it that most hard core ILLEGAL Jewish Settlers in OCCUPIED Palestine are Jewish-Americans?
Isn't it alarming that in the Land of the Free many Jews are more radical than the Jews of Yemen, Iraq or Ethiopia? I know they represent a small number of millions of Jews in the world who are mostly peaceful and want to live in harmony with their Palestinian cousins. Yet some of these settlers have a very scary belief and are even vocal enough to say it in public that there is no such group of people called Palestinians. So how do you call the 8 million Palestinians who are refugees in many parts of the world including in their very own land? Israelis? Cannanites? I am surprise that even here in Yahoo Answers R&S, there are people who are not afraid to say that there are no Palestianian people. Though you are honest in saying your bigotted belief, it really scare me because you of all people should be the last to say this after being denied of your OWN identity as a people by the Nazis. Is this anti-semitism? We all know that Palestianians are also Semitic people. Nevertheless, why is it no one is answering my question directly? Hans, what genocide are you talking about? 100 million hindus massacred? My sister majored in world history and civilization in college and read all her books and believe me most of them are bias against islam and yet I never encountered hindus massacred by muslims. Can you please give me your book and historical citations? Web site perhaps of unbias authors? Or you are just repeating your BJP Hindutva slogans? After killing and murdering, burning and raping women and children in Gujarat, you have the nerves to accusse our muslim ancestors who civilized much of india by bringing the best science and architecture of their times to your land? People like you are very dangerous, you twist history for your own agenda while murdering helpless people of the present. Shame!!!
Religion & Spirituality - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Uh, you're lying and the Jews have every right to the land over there. The so-called "Palestinians" are disgruntled ARABS who whine that they're hard done by. Please read: Over and over again, the news media, which include so many self-hating Jews, speak of the “Palestinian” people and state. But the term and its people are a myth. The term was originally derogatory, created and used by the Roman Emperor Hadrian. He was a hater of Jews who wanted to symbolize the permanent destruction of any Jewish presence in the land of Israel. Hadrian mispronounced the name of the Philistines, one of Israel’s ancient enemies, notorious for throwing children into fires as sacrifices to a pagan god. The term “Philistines” comes from the Hebrew word plishim, which means “foreign invaders.” For the Philistines were known to trespass land they either conquereed or took over by assimilation. Ironically, by adopting this name, the Arab invaders in Israel today effectively acknowledged that they too have trespassed the land of Israel. For nearly 2,000 years, the Jews were forcibly exiled from their historic, God-given homeland. Despite this, there was always a Jewish presence in Israel, even during the darkest periods of the Muslim conquests, the Mongolian invasions, the Crusades, the Turkish Ottoman occupation and finally the British occupation during the earlier part of this century. Overall, the land was desolate and uninhabited. British census figures show that in the latter part of the 19th Century, there were only 200,000 residents in all of what today is Israel as well as what today is the artificial state of “Jordan.” Roughly a fifth of that 200,000 were Jews. The Arab claim that there are now some 10 million “Palestinians” is an absurdity. There are no Palestinians and there is no Palestine. The vast majority of the Arabs who currently live in the state of Israel immigrated there from Egypt in the first half of this century. Most came for employment and other economic opportunities from a thriving Jewish community. “There is no Palestine in history,” said Dr. Hitti, a spokesman for all the Arab nations and the Arabs living in Israel. Testifying before the Anglo-American Commission in 1946, he exposed the Palestine lie for what it was. In 1948, representative testifying for the entire Arab world declared in testimony before the United Nations that there was no Palestine and that all of Israel was part of southern Syria. All of a sudden, in the 1960’s, key Arabs decided to invent the myth that a separate Arab nation called Palestine once existed, knowing full well there was never such a state. Their ultimate symbol today is the PLO’s Yassar Arafat. Arafat was born, raised and educated in Cairo, Egypt. This is documented. He is like almost all the Arabs who claim to be part of the mythical state and people. He is in every respect an Egyptian. Yet virtually all Jews, and certainly the rest of the world, have accepted this myth, totally without foundation. The obvious purpose of the fabrication, now absorbed in the international community, is to legitimize a hostile Arab drive to push the Jews into the sea, for deeper spiritual reasons. This, they hope, will delegitimize the Jewish connection to the Jewish homeland, Israel, and the God Who established it.
2 :
there is no palestine. there is no such thing as a palestinian. there are hostile arabs occupying Israeli territory. there IS NO SUCH THING AS A PEOPLE CALLED PALESTINIAN. its an INVENTED group, whos only function is to be a front to hostilitys against israel. nobody would have said there was such a thing as a palestinian, 70 years ago. they'd go "what the hell are you talking about?" they would be "jewish" or belong to some OTHER arab nation. by the way, the caananites were entirely wiped out. any race or nation thats held it more than very temporarily, other than the jews, no longer exists.
3 :
Palestinians are Jordanians. They lived in Jordan for years, and they didn't want them either, so they threw them out. Then they made up these Palestinians to give the Jews a hard time. If they need land so bad, why don't they go to an Arab country, and we wouldn't have a problem. There is no other Jewish country for the Israelis to go to. Israel is a legal country, it took the west bank and Gaza legally through defensive wars.
4 :
Why do so many completely ignorant people answer questions on here? anyways I disagree with the rest of the idiots who answered. Palestine in my opinion does exist and I know many educated jews in north america that agree. Israel was yes originally bought land but now they have stolen land to increase the size of israel. There are many many many different groups of religious jews out there some are more radical then others, same goes for muslims some believe suicide bombs get them virgins and heaven others believe it'll send you to hell, some christians are quite about it others harrass you with scriptures every other minute. All religions have fanaticals
5 :
Lovely answers from the Zionists. The scary thing is that they are ignorant enough of history that they actually believe what they are saying. I suggest that they reread the Allenbye agreement with the Palestinians when Turkey was defeated in the area in the first world war, the Balfour declasration and the history of the Zionist movement's support and co-operation with the National Socialist party of Germany. Hitler was the strogest lobbiest for a Jewish state in Palestine until the outbreack of war in 1939. It was all about Oil then and it is still all about the middle eastern oil. The control of the Suez Canal is just one additional consideration.
6 :
im not gonna argue over who is right and wrong i hear people saying isreal is the promise land of the jews so therefore it should be theres now i hear people saying that you cant just take a piece of land of others and say its yours just cos it "used to be" yours so with the arguements i have heard, if it used to be jewish land and then it belonged to muslims, but not jewish again, with the argument the use agaist the jewish reinstating the land, cant the same be said about the muslims i mean just cos they "used" to live there (plz note when i say live etc i mean the relegious states, im not blind, i no there are still muslims that live there etc) and lets be honest, isreal is a TINY country with only 5 million people, yet all the surround arab countries that border the country and are massive incomparision, have 500 million!!! so its not like the arabs dont have land this just goes back to the argument over who has the right to jeruselem
7 :
first thanks for saying "the occupied lands ".secondly this land belongs to the Palestinians and the Zionists stole it from them.
8 :
I am GLAD that the Muslim civilisation is finally having a taste of it's own medicine. After all the genocides that it has caused and all the suffering that it has caused to other civilisations, Muslims are finally realising what it feels like to have their lands occupied, to be murdered as if they were sub human and to be robbed of land that belonged to them for thousands of thousands of years ago. Take a look in history and you will see that this is exactly the same thing that Muslims have done to others. These evil rotten Muslims always remind the world what the European colonial powers did, but they simply refuse to look at what their own barbarian ancestors did to others. They manner in which they forced their religion onto others by mass murder, the way that they used rape as a method of conversion, the barbaric destruction of temples that were thousands upon thousands of years old. The biggest genocide undertaken in the entire history of human civilisation was that which Islam committed against Hinduism (the murder of over 100 million Hindus during the entire tenure of Mughal oppression). What you give is what you get; what you do to others will be done to you; what goes around always eventually comes back around. That is not only the law of KARMA but that is also JUSTICE. [EDIT] Before posting such stupid information, maybe you should actually read up on Indian history. India was a far more civilised, sophisticated and advanced civilisation before the plague of Islam came to India. Since Islam arrived in India and the delhi Sultanate was established in (I think) the 7th century AD, basically Indian destiny was destroyed. All the influence that India commanded in the world (along with Greece and China) was obliterated and progress, intellectual developments, innovation of knoweldge all ceased to exist. There is your answer. All the ancient temples that were thousands upon thousands of years old were all destroyed, Hindu priests were burned alive, their menfolk were butchered and their women were raped. Once the new rulers set in, the only thing that they cared about was converting the populace to Islam. Development of society became non existent. That is why, if you examine Indian history prior to the arrival of Islam, India was an influential power because Indian exports of knowledge and culture were felt throughout. However once the rulers were Muslim, rather than being in a position where Indians could influence, they were having someone else's culture and religion forced down their throat. Those Hindus that refused to convert were slaughtered; hindu priests were burned alive, Muslim clerics encouraged Muslims to go and rape Hindu women because they believed that the destruction of hindu progeny would denote the destruction of Hinduism, children were kidnapped for slavery, water wells were poisoned, temples were razored, each and every mughal leader would come to power promising to wipe Hinduism from the face of the earth and during Aurungzeb 100 000 hindus were being killed each day. A similar incident happened to the ancient Persians, who were far more better before they were Muslim than after they became Muslim. The only reason that the world's biggest genocide has not been recognised is becuase it has been whitewashed by the communists that rule India. You talk about Indian society being inferior before the arrival of the disease (aka Islam). Have you read about ancient Hindu society and their scriptures (like the vedas etc)??? Muslims always point out to the science and Maths contained in the koran to flex their superiority over other religions. The science and maths that is contained it the vedas and other holy scripture can dwarf that of the koran, even though it predates the koran by thousands upon thousands of years. Before you display such uncorroborated garbage, read about ancient Hindu and pre-islamic Indian society. You would know that Islam contributed NOTHING to India.
9 :
Actually most of the hard core settlers living in the West Bank are not Americans or have American parents. As an American Jew I have spent quite a bit of time in Israel and have visited many of those areas. And the fact is most of them are not Americans. Also if Palestinians can live in Israel why cant Jews live in the West Bank? It sounds kind of racist to me to say its illegal for a particular group of people to live somewhere.

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