Wednesday, December 14, 2011

How should we help the Islamic nations to prosper. Also, how do we help the wars stop

How should we help the Islamic nations to prosper. Also, how do we help the wars stop?
What do you think? How should we help Islamic (very poor at the mo) nations to prosper? Muslims like: Indian Muslims (who live in the poorest of slums compared to the rest of India) Pakistan (the lower classes are very very poor and only get 1 cup of tea to drink, with no food.) Iraq (not much we can do there since US army are still hanging out there) Afghanistan (the mujahideen are angry and fighting back. Lots of poverty. A lot of refugees coming to Pakistan and surrounding countries) Iran (Lack of employment for graduates leading to social ills like prostituting to earn money. Same in Pakistan) Palestine (I guess the best thing here is to inform everyone of zionist plans) and other Muslim countries who are currently suffering badly from inflation, and food riots are ensuing (Yemen, Egypt) How would young Muslims living in the West be able to help these Muslims? Literacy would be a start.. Give your opinions I'd like some steps, not general answers thanks Oh, and star the question so everyone can answer and give ideas. Even here on yahoo, we Muslims can take these ideas away and actually apply them instead of just talking about it. I for one, am gonna start a fundraiser and see if I can raise some cash. It doesn't have to be difficult, even teaching one kid how to write when you go back to your country is good. Or taking an English textbook back home when you go and teaching someone something Anjan A Why shouldn't we help Muslims? I'm a Muslim. Most of the third world countries are Muslim. Are you helping them? No. Governemnts don't lift a finger. Why shouldn't people who give a damn? Or is it that you have a problem with Muslims prospering?
Ramadan - 14 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Muslims countries should become united.
2 :
I'd say the biggest thing for every Muslim anywhere in the world would be a big dose of Humility. It'd be a nice start, for once. It would be nice if the Muslims got rid of their persecution complex and stop blaming everyone else for their own faults.
3 :
Teach them the art of working effectively and prosper, and be the first to avoid collision.
4 :
^^^ ROFL haha, erm, I think you sir (pogmotho), need to read back your last statment and apply it to yourself. I think we are prosperous enough. We have Islam, what more could we need?
5 :
Chapter 13: Verse 11 "...God does not change what (is) with a nation until they change what (is) with themselves..." Our leaders, our sciences, our countries, our people are in a situation of their own creation. The task is enormous but make a start with what little you can do and pray to Allah to make it snowball into a larger effort Inshallah. EDIT: Humanitarian help Instead of starting something from scratch, you could help those organizations that are already involved. This will save you money and resources as well as give you the experience needed to deal with situations. Political Help If you're talking about helping on the political level, there is a lot to be done. If you have a Ph.D., you can apply for a job at the UN. If you don't, then get involved at the grassroots level. Write to the leaders of those Arab countries and their masters in the US. Get involved in the democratization process. Write to the White House to stay out of Arab/Muslim countries. Research new energy sources that will wean away the US from its greedy paws on Arab oil. Financial Help: Do NOT give money away. It just makes people lazy. Start a business in those countries and hire locals. Let them own and run the business after a few years. These are just from the top of my head before I head for Isha. Hope these helped.
6 :
No emphasis on education Half the population (always exceptions) which is female is mostly un productive economically again due to lack of education Twisted religious brainwashing Twisted priorities. EG--- whole Muslim world goes crazy at some thing that appears in press but deathly silence at Muslims burning girls schools. honor killings, blacking mailing and raping their own females for not following harsh rules So much un relenting lies and propaganda which puts off the Non Muslim world who can otherwise help. EG--9/11 conspiracy garbage. Stop wars--- Stop the agenda of converting the whole world to Islam by crooked means. Do not support other Muslims purely on grounds of religion.
7 :
its so nice u have this feeling if u cant do anything 2 them, there is only oneway 2 help them ask allah(god) 2 help them,he is the onlyone who can do it dont be worried god knows all they suffer from but he may wonna them 2 suffer here and rest later in heaven if u can visit them,talk with them or if u can join any orgnization which tries 2 help them , do it only if u can, coz it needs high power but dont forget 2 ask god 2 give them the power i love ur idies, just start. god be with u good luck
8 :
A good question, we need to do more PRACTICAL things as well as prayers and du'aas. There are lots of things we can do such as what you say about fund raising, donation ( of money, medical, mechanical and educational equipments ) and voluntary work is such a valuable characteristic that i think more Muslim people should do. I have few friends who went to Palestine to help out in hospitals and refugee camps, they came back feeling that they have done something so worthwhile. Ramadan is near, it is a brilliant time to give, give and give to those who need it most. There are small things we can do, such as giving pencils and books, every little does really help!
9 :
The first step is to instill a proper understanding of Islam in the "Islamic World". There is way too many cultural things holding people back from fully embracing Islam! We must then unite under the banner of Islam and reinstate the Khilafah, Insha'Allah. Then the Muslims will once again live in peace and justice. Allah knows best. I've started a group to this end if you wish to join so we can brainstorm the re-establishment of the Khilafah...
10 :
Yes, we can. We can spread Islam and change how people perceive Islam to be by setting a good example as a Muslim. People today are feeded by the media and procured from the truth. They generalize that Muslims are violent and aggressive people. We could help reduce this by spreading Islam and be the ideal Muslims. The change will be dramatic, Insha Allah. More people will learn the truth about Islam and they in turn will tell their family and friends about it. Eventually, the whole world will know that Islam is not violent as the media says. Changin how people perceive Islam may be the smallest thing a Muslim can do, but it may lead to many changes Insha Allah.
11 :
There is one and only one answer: EDUCATION In SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY for us and our kids.
12 :
This question is too complicated & I am still drinking my coffee. But seriously, look at all the hate on Y/A....There are Muslims who bash other Muslims on here and that is a problem. I am so sick of it;-P
13 :
Go back to muslim countries and live there.
14 :
secularism is what these nations need so badly. freedom of thought and practice, human rights, openness to the world, all these things will greatly improve the quality of life, this will lead to better education and increasing foreign relationships and economic ties. people will be more interested in investments and enjoying life and have less time for hate and frustration...
15 :
I think we should actively speak out against the violence and the corruption going on in the world. What kind of world do we want our future children growing up in? We should speak out against terrorist and let the world know that islam dose not approve of killing innocent people. Yes and I agree with you we should promote education.

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