Sunday, August 14, 2011

israeli kick arabs out when arab state be created,then y jew who livin off israel arent bein departed to israe

israeli kick arabs out when arab state be created,then y jew who livin off israel arent bein departed to israe?
obviously, the israelie goverment will kick out the non jew resident in israel especially the Arabs (even tho they claim to have democracy), then why dont other countries who have jews living in them dont depart the jews to their what so called holy land ? it seems like the jews have always claimed about non jews giving them a hard time now they need a country. well, there it is now .. why living in other countries when u have a holy land ? especially for those who live in arabian countries like yemen and morroco. im just wondering why do jews have their cake and eat it as well ?
Israel - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No, the statement said that those who do not wish to live under an Israeli gov't should leave. BBC said that Livni told all arabs to leave. This is not true. I understand what her intentions are, but it still means to those who do not want to live under an Israeli gov't. Jews do not have a cake. Most Jews do not live in Israel because it is not worth it in their mind. Mind you, there is no proof of Jews starting violence against arabs first before 1948. The evidence is actually the other way around. Subsequent wars have been fought because of these incidents and political reasons as well.
2 :
Israel has no intention of kicking out anyone, OK !!! Israel would love for Arab countries to let all Jews leave !!!
3 :
if one person says something stupid should we all do it too?? I think this Arab Jew nonsense must now stop - there has been enough bloodshed. Havent enough lives been lost already? Both sides need to grow up and swallow a few bitter pills. You cant keep crying over a piece of land promised to you 2000 years ago - and also you cant keep shooting yourself in the foot by continuosly refusing to recognise isreal. Both sides need to forget the past and work to a future. And it would be good if people stopped using such inflammatry language - its the last thing the region needs.
4 :
Your premise is mistaken. Israel didn't kick out Arabs by & large. It was the Arab leadership that asked them to leave so it would be easier to "push the Jews into the sea" (their words). Their leaders said after a few days war they could return, except they lost the war. Again, most were not kicked out but offered citizenship in a non-Muslim non-Arab country forming in the Middle East. The problem was they didn't want to be part of a secular democracy instead of a Muslim Arab country. It was switch in governement, not a kicking out of their homes. Once they left & pledged to annhilate Israel, they couldn't be let back in. Around 30,000 were let back for humaniarian reasons & if they agreed not to make war with their new country. Most didn't agree, so that was that. The problem was the Arab vision for a greater Arab Muslim empire, & the tiny sliver of Israel was a real thorn in that plan. The Arab leadership kept those who left at gunpoint in refugee camps in order to make their lives miserable as a PR weapon to annhilate Israel. So the PA Arabs deserve sympathy, but the pressure needs to be on the Arab countries that don't even allow them to imigrate & continue to use them as pawns. Also BTW, about 800,000 Jews were forced out of Arab & Muslim countries, usually without their belongings & absorbed by Israel. That's more than the number of Arabs who were refugees. The Jews left in Arab countries often can not get access to leave - Israel would take them. In Iran they are followed around & not permitted to fly out of the country as a family. Finally too most of those Arab families moved into the region AFTER the Jews brought economic improvements -- & were not long standing families. They were mostly from Egypt, Syria & Jordan (East Bank).
5 :
Many Arabs live in Israel, and they are Israeli citizens. The Israelis did not kick them out. Some Arabs left when Israel was founded. But they were not kicked out. The non-Jews that are Israeli citizens can vote, hold political office, and serve in the Military.
6 :
Hey, you're smoking that hookah thing again aren't you and declared yourself "misinformation minister" like we saw in Iraq first gulf war. Let me help you with this misinformation issue. Israel absorbed the non-hostile Arabs already she has 20% of her population Arab and Jordan got 80% of the British Palestinian mandate and all those Arabs got their own states of what was the former "Greater Syrian Empire." Nobody was kicked out. They were the ones trying to kick Israel out in the cold and the only one still trying it today is Syria. Israel established 14May1948 The statehood on all these Arab countries that waged war on Israel: Jordan 25 May 1946, Syria 17 April 1946, Lebanon 22 November 1943, Egypt 18 February 1922, Iraq 3 October 1932, North Yemen 1918 The ones you see today, these Palestinians, are still hostile Syrian orphans, abandoned on Israel's doorstep.There never was a people called Palestinian. the Arabs already admitted this: "The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel " -- PLO Zuhayr Muhsin, March 31, 1977 Israel would love to give them home despite the fact they all associated themselves as Syrians before this conflict and just came to fight in the war against Israel and tell a load of lies, but first they need to disarm and face some truths. The ones that made citizenship inside Israel already, aren't being asked to leave, they are just being told to shut the hell up (G-d bless Lieberman!) because it is the only Jewish state in the world, while the Muslims have what like 60 now? Why you bring up Morocco and Yemen it is so silly to do that and try to misinform people. I have information to you what the Moroccans and Yemenites did to Jewish Arabs. These are the forgotten Jewish refugees. So don't talk to me about mistreatment. Israel absorbed her own refugees and now is absorbing Syrian refugees the only problem is that they are hostile. YEMEN: 1905 – Imam Yahya decrees Jews cannot raise their voices during prayers, brush against Muslims in the street, build houses higher than Muslims. 1922 – Orphan Law reintroduced by Imam Yahya: orders forcible conversion to Islam of all Jewish orphans under thirteen, even when the mother was still alive. May 1949, when the Imam of Yemen agreed to let 45,000 of the 46,000 Jews in his country leave, Israeli transport planes flew them "home" in Operation Magic Carpet. The Yemenite Jews, mostly children, were brought to Israel on some 380 flights. Only 300 Yemenite Jews stayed behind and didn't take a plane. MOROCCO: 1790 – Pogrom in Tetouan: All Jews stripped naked, many women raped, most homes ransacked. 1815 – Jews of Mogador ordered to pay sudden jizya poll-tax. Those who pay punched on the forehead after turning over coins, those who refuse thrown in dungeon. 1834 – "Suleika affair": Jewish woman from Tangier refuses to convert and marry a high-ranking official. She is executed in Fez. 1884-1888 – 307 Jews murdered over four years by Muslims, yet no Muslims put on trial. 1942-1944 - 3 concentration camps in Morocco set up for deportation to death camps in Europe. Some prisoners were tortured and murdered. 1948 – Jewish Population approximately 285,000. Israel established. French officials ban aliyah of Moroccan Jews to Israel. Muslim riots in Oudjda and Djerada kill scores of Jews, wound 150. 1956-1961 – 18,000 Jews smuggled out of Morocco. 1957 – Exit visas for Jews abolished. 1958 – Morocco joins Arab League, forbids any Jewish emigration. Number of Jewish officials in government deliberately decreased. All Zionist activity forbidden. 1960 – Many Jewish schools nationalized. 1961 – On the occasion of Egyptian President Nasser’s visits Casablanca, Jews beaten and arrested. 1961-1964 – 80,000 Jews leave on chartered planes and ships in return for "compensation" (ransom) to Moroccan government from Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. 2000 – 6,000 Jews remain in Morocco; an estimated 600,000 Moroccan Jews and their descendants live in Israel. 2005 - Al Qaeda attack on Jewish Synagogue.
7 :
What the hell are you talking about? Jewish people were kicked out from Arab countries!!! And Israel will never kick any Arabs out of there, because they are Israeli citizens!!!!!!!!! I am assuming you are an Arab, or probably a person who supports them, and hates Israel for some reason. Well let me tell you this, Israel is a democratic country, and they will not kick any non-jew out of there! First of all, Israel is a country that was kind supposed to be for Jewish people. Why? Because antisemitic people never accepted them! So we decided we can't take any more of this crap, and get a country of our own! As long as you are an Israeli citizen, you can stay there, whether you are Jewish or not! And don't start saying that it isn't fair for people who are not citizens, because it is the same in the U.S. you idiot! Do you think that America lets people just come there and start a life? No! You have to either be a citizen, or have a green card or something. And don't you dare call it a "so called" holy land. It is a Holy Land. People who live in other countries instead of Israel is because: Either they are not very religious, or they just can't leave their home countries just like that. Some people stay because they believe life is easier there. But they still believe in Judaism! Israel is not a country that requires all Jews to be there! What are you? A 10 year old kid? An antisemitic? A dumb@$$? P.S. Why the hell do you come up with the statement:"OBVIOUSLY the Israelie government will kick out the non Jew resident in Israel"? How do you know that? Did they say that? Did they write it? Did they do it? Or do you just have a small brain as the size of an Apple? You were probably raised in a wrong way.
8 :
"why dont other countries who have jews living in them dont depart the jews to their what so called holy land ?" lol. that's EXACTLY what the arab countries did in 48. you haven't heard about it because they went to israel and were welcomed there. but arabs are forced by other arabs to live in camps. 1 million jews were kicked out of their homes in muslim countries and moved to israel. they lost land, wealth and businesses.
9 :
you cant be serious. lets just give each religion its own country and then we will give every one that looks alike in that religion their own state. That way you never have to look at anyone that isn't exactly like you. Oh and by the way you have to leave your home and move half way around the world to be in your country. Israel has never and will never kick anyone out simply for not being Jewish.
10 :
The premise is nonsensical. If you want to present the Arab case, you would be well advised to sound as though you were sane. Why hasn't Arab representative government ever been established in Palestine, either in 1948 or during the next 19 years of Arab rule? Because other Arabs co-opted the Palestinian cause as a rallying point that would advance the concept that the territory was up for grabs. "The Arab invasion of Palestine was not a means for achieving an independent Palestine, but rather the result of a lack of consensus on the part of the Arab states regarding such independence," summed up one historian. Adherents to a separate Palestinian identity were a mute minority on the West Bank and Gaza during the 19 years of Jordanian and Egyptian rule - until Israel took control from the Jordanians and the Egyptians in 1967. Suddenly a separate Palestinian peoplehood appeared and claimed it deserved nationhood - and 21 other Arab states went along with it. Palestinianism in and of itself lacks any substance of its own. Arab society on the West Bank and Gaza suffers from deep social cleavages created by a host of rivalries based on divergent geographic, historical, geographical, sociological and familial allegiances. What glues Palestinians together is a carefully nurtured hatred of Israel and the rejection of Jewish nationhood. .

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