Sunday, August 7, 2011

Why do M*slims refuse to assimilate into the society of a nation to which they chose to emigrate

Why do M*slims refuse to assimilate into the society of a nation to which they chose to emigrate? Clearly, the hijab is not part of Danish culture, and is viewed negatively by most Danes. If one moves to a new country, why not live like the people there? If you wish to remain living like you wree in Yemen, why leave Yemen in the first place?
Politics - 18 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
They are not interested in assimilating they want to take control through violence.!~!
2 :
Not sure if that is true or not but I organized religion sucks because they separates us.
3 :
read their koran, it says they are not to do that but to take over and rule. the sooner we all wake up to that the safer we will all be.
4 :
The hate just rises up in them. Obama will talk them out of it. Swell.
5 :
They assimilate - they just uphold their religious traditions/ beliefs as the 'e-van-gel-icals' do You know masters of the waggon tongue and whisper campaigns as well as outright discriminations. Very primitive belief system.
6 :
You neglect to mention that this is not true of ALL Muslims. You also neglect to mention that we see this issue with a lot of immigrants. In the US, we often see people from a particular country or culture cluster together. This has been so for 200 years. That's why we have city sections like Chinatown, Little Italy, Germantown, etc. Why do some people have a hard time assimilating or refuse to assimiate? It's human nature, that's why!
7 :
cause they want to identify with their religion more than an adopted culture----this stems from islam not being reformed yet
8 :
...Just because some people refuse to follow the rules of the country they join and instead follow their religious beliefs doesn't mean it's the majority man. Please stop generalizing here. Muslims can be religious and still follow the law in countries that they join. That's the only extent to which they should ever have to assimilate. Beyond that, you're asking too much. That would be tantamount to saying that Jews should forsake the Torah in response to a society that directly defies that but has no laws against it.
9 :
Why should they? People should be free to live the way they choose--and these are customs they are familiar with. How would you like it if your neighbors told you you had to dress and act exactly the way they do? Oh, I get it--being a bigot and victimizing peopleis only okay if YOU do it. Pathetic.
10 :
because they would like to improve their lives by living there, but retain their culture, is there something wrong with that?
11 :
I dont know, why didnt europeans assimilate when they came to america, hipocrisy. Read a History book
12 :
Hello Islam, I see you are still on this subject. They refuse to "assimilate" into the Danish culture for the same reason why Amish people refuse to assimilate into our technology laden country---etc. Some religious sects (regardless of their affiliation) simply refuse to change.
13 :
Because Muslims (say it with me: MUSLIMS, not M*slims) are under no obligation to 'assimilate' into any one country they wish to live in. We have plenty of Muslims living here in America. I've seen many where I live. And I don't see anything wrong with the way they practice their faith or wear their hijab veils over their faces. It's not viewed negatively by most cultures. Just by the ignorant types whom are *afraid* of people's differences.
14 :
A bit of an overgeneralisation. Perhaps it is different in Denmark but in England the vast majority of Muslims follow British law. People of a different culture tend to stick together in a foreign country (look at all the British ex-pats living in Spain!). Let me ask you this. If you were offered an amazing job in England that you couldn't get in Denmark, would you take it? And if you did, would you try and "act" English or would you stick to Danish traditions? I think it is fair to ask immigrants to attempt to learn the native language but that's as far as I would be comfortable going.
15 :
It's just clothing. Fashion changes all the time.
16 :
Yeah, and those Goddamn Amish too. They don't assimilate at all, wandering about in their strange "old-time" clothes. Jeez, it's enough to make you puke. And those Hasidic Jews as well; sticking to their own kind, not mixing with the rest of us, dressing strange and stuff. Yeah Islam et Amish et Hasidic Judaism Delenda Est. [sarcasm off].
17 :
They do. That's why people don't know they're Muslim. You haven't noticed, I guess.
18 :
I see a couple answer here and are trying to compare the Muslims with Amish and Mormons, I have yet to see Amish strapping on bombs and commiting suicide killing men, women and children (mostly of their own religon). I do not understand why Denmark allows so many of them into their country, its like you would not invite them into your home, so why your country which is your LARGER home

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