Thursday, April 14, 2011

Why are cynics always quick to blame religion for global conflicts when really they are equally to blame

Why are cynics always quick to blame religion for global conflicts when really they are equally to blame?
"Religion is the cause of all conflicts" - One keeps hearing words to that effect amongst atheistic circles. Case Study USA: 78 plus international military involvement since World War Two up to this current date. Further conflict on the horizon - Iran, Somalia and Yemen. If you live in a democracy, Americans are indirectly and directly responsible for these conflicts. Yet the cynical secular atheists would maintain that conflicts today have been the prerogative of religion and it's followers. How would an objective person judge these claims? What measure will they use to assess validity of their assertions? The conflict in Palestine is not a religious conflict, it is a struggle over occupation. Same with Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen. Yet the holier than thou cynics would have you believe otherwise. Realism through cynicism is not realism at all, realism is objectivity without innuendo. As an American, you are both directly and indirectly still responsible due to the prevailing influence you have to organise, much like you have done to end long and unpopular wars in the past. Yet you vote for war mongers in the first place. "Measure" does not simply mean facts, it means the numerical or otherwise standard for assessment, such as number of deaths, number of conflicts, the cost of expenditures for conflict, the number of troops etc. In any case, facts do speak for itself. I clearly have a question, it is for you to answer, it may be biased for you, but it is a reasonable question that can be scrutinised. Please answer with facts if you must. What if you use democracy and freedom to go to war, will that then make democracy suspect? Please be more objective, I am not making exclusive claims here that religion has not been suspect, rather exposing your own bias and lack of self-awareness. Religion historically had been used to wage offensive wars, although really it's routes arguably with expansion of power, economic clout and influence, religion being used as a rallying call. But recently though, religion has been used to rally the people for defence of their land and their honour. Much like Britain did on the Battle of Britain in WW2 again Hitler, for which case it was nationalism and glorious values. The question becomes, defence of what? If anyone objectively looks that preceding events, and the actual motivations of an enemy, this can be plainly found; occupation, support of ruthless dictators, economic sanctions etc. The Holocaust example is not a clear cut analogy, why then do Germans feel a national shame and guilt over the issue, if no one is responsible for the crimes? Germany morally was responsible, even if a bad people existed, it was up to the good people show leadership during the times of Hitler's slow and eventual rise. Morally speaking, it was the void of good gave way for evil.
Politics - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
A cynic is what an idealist calls a realist.
2 :
People are to blame for conflicts. They just use religion as an excuse to justify their actions.
3 :
I'm an American and I am NOT indirectly or directly responsible for those conflicts. I did not vote in favor of them. Just because someone lives in a country does not mean they're responsible for everything their government does. If you were living in Germany during the time of the Holocaust because you were trying to stop the Holocaust, you would not be directly or indirectly responsible for the Holocaust. I shouldn't have to explain this to you. I've never heard anyone other than you say "religion is the cause of ALL conflicts." Certain people are. But, yes, religion is directly responsible for many conflicts throughout history. Many wars were based on religion and nothing else. Example: The Crusades. If religion didn't exist, those wars wouldn't have happened because people wouldn't have fought over their religious differences.
4 :
They do not mean that in the literal sense. Look at most wars. They are usually fought in the name of God, Allah, Buddha or Zeus to justify their horror. Each side invokes its gods, or whatever they believe in as justification for war and demonstration of their righteousness over their opponent whom they always call "the enemy." It is the way of the world. if you are intelligent and examine what is going on under all the rhetoric, you find the same real motives: greed, stupidity, competition for limited resources. It is not the cynics who said it. it was the wise who were looking at how the world appears to operate and the stories governments use to justify sending young men and women to their deaths.
5 :
it basically gives them a reason to complain about religion...fact is it doesnt affect there lives in any way shape or form so i cant understand what they are whining about and apparently neither do they
6 :
Are you actually looking for an answer here? Your question is clearly biased, and true point of view shows through in 5 of your comments. No one here is is going to be able to change your mind, as it is already set in stone. Here's a very simple answer for you.... "What measure will they use to assess validity of their assertions?" - FACTS. And just for the record, I am not an atheist.
7 :
When you use your religion to justify your actions, then you put your religion on trial.
8 :
Not all wars are caused by religion while religion has caused some there are many other reasons and religion actually can prevent people from acting out negatively on an individual basis. Trojan War battle over a woman. Civil Wars in all countries revolutionary war. war of 1812. WW1 and WW2. The cold War. The truth is people battle when they feel their livelihood is threatened. Religion might be an important part of their livelihood for example in case of the extremist muslims of the taliban. They use religion as an excuse or reason for their absolute control on the population to make it ok to kill just cause you suspect something. and taking that control away will hurt their belief that I felt like killing you so it must have been god's will excuse. Not trying to sound antimuslim cause christians have done it too. Though I can't recall a violent buddhist but then again my Asian history is weak..
9 :
And history shows that the opposing parties have a religious background that conflicts and since the beginning of religion and throughout history this dispute has only escalated. This is not being a cynic, this is reality and though it may give atheists leverage to slam religion they have no clue that the thing we are fighting for is our rights to believe in GOD with or without religion and all its differences.
10 :
I think atheists see religions as gangs. They accept those who adhere to there codes of conduct. While separating them selves from the rest of humanity. This is all well and good until one gang decides that there way is right and any other way is wrong. How do you solve this problem. On both sides you have a group of like minded fanatics, who would rather die and kill, then entertain any possibility that neither is right. Atheists in general don't blame religion for everything at all. We simply refuse to take sides. So if you believe your right then that's fine With me. Just don't try to drag me in to the argument because by doing so. You as a religious person would be creating the very conflict that would occur. Thus reinforcing the beliefs of certain people that religion leads to conflict.

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