Monday, March 7, 2011

Out of ALL MIDEAST nations, which is the best in terms of social, economic and political freedoms

Out of ALL MIDEAST nations, which is the best in terms of social, economic and political freedoms?
If you had to take ALL the middle eastern countries(Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Israel, Yemen, etc) and had to choose the one that's the best in terms of standard of living, opportunities, respect and protection for women and minorities, social, economic and political advancement and overall quality of life, which is the best one to live in and why?
Government - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Israel is based on a stupid religion and has stolen other people's lands. They also maintain a blockade on women and children and take our money. Syria is a dictatorship. Jordan is a US colony and does as we say always. Iraq was a dictatorship but Christians and women were free, now they are Iranian style thanks to our invasion. I will probably go with Lebanon because they have good food like Sawarma and falafel.
2 :
I'll make this short. The United Arab Emirates. Women are educated and overall the quality of life is excellent and around the same level as the quality of life in some 1st world countries.
3 :
Israel, it's not even a close contest. They win by the freedom they offer their women if nothing else. There is religious diversity, you can be any religion you want with not to many worries. People will say not muslims but fact is there's plenty of them there. They also have an elected government. Thats the reason the rest of the middle east hates them, they are very much like the USA.
4 :
I would say Turkey, it is not a Middle Eastern country though.
5 :
US Christians are rabidly anti-gay,anti abortion, pro virginity before marriage and pro Israel. Yet Israel is the only middle eastern country where sodomy is not a crime nor punishable. Israel also allows abortion under certain circumstances,has a tramp tax for prostitutes, increasing rate of cohabitation and premarital sex, acceptance of party life and heavy drinking,immodest clothing etc etc. Shouldn't the Christians prefer to be associated with the people who are more closely akin to the lifestyle of biblical times-the muslims?

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