Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Yemen!! IS'T the country whitch pure arabs came from

Yemen!! IS'T the country whitch pure arabs came from??!!?
The Arabic heartland is Hijaz (now western Saudi Arabia) and Yemen.Ethnically, Arabs are mostly dark haired with brown eyes, and medium light skin. But there are Arabs that are black, and Arabs that are quite blond. These differences are regional, and a result of the process described above. Moreover, the number of ethnically pure Arabs might constitute only a single digit percentage. More than 85% of all Arabs are Sunni Muslims, 10% are Shi'i Muslims (Yemen, Iraq, Gulf coast), while less than 5% are Christians (Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Israel). An estimated 55% live in urban areas, while 45% live in rural areas. Today, less than 1% live as nomads, and, of these, many are nomads only in the dry season.
Other - Cultures & Groups - 3 Answers
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1 :
supposedly it is but its not true. there lots of yemenis mixed with africans who immigrate there but there are also pure ones. also some white yemenis. they are quite diverse. those are yemenis. http://www.flickr.com/photos/notbad12345/2935499647/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/meriem/89467329/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/meriem/89467168/in/photostream/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/arabamericanmuseum/3082862405/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/arabamericanmuseum/3082863071/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/deirmaho/118811687/
2 :
In our culture (actually my mom's culture) Yemen is considered as the country where the Arab culture was born and where the most ancient arab tribes lived too.
3 :
Arabs are Semitic White, although generally having olive(golden brown skin, dark hair, and eyes-being White, a small percentage run the gamut as do Indo European Aryan Whites. There are No Black Arabs-there are Blacks living among Arabs and there are the admixtures-Moors and Berbers-Arabs having 8-15% Black heritage and Hamites-around a 55-50% Arab/Black mix. According to Fargues 1998, "Today Christians only make up 9.2% of the population of the Near East". In Lebanon they now number about 39% of the population , in Syria they make up about 10 to 15%, in the Palestinian territories the figure is 3.8%, and in Israel Arab Christians constitute 2.1% (or roughly 10% of the Israeli Arab population). In Egypt, they constitute 5.9% of the population, and in Iraq they presumably comprise 2.9% of the populace. Most North and South American and Australian Arabs (about two-thirds) are Arab Christians, particularly from Syria, Palestine, and Lebanon.

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