Friday, August 29, 2014

Countdown to Israel’s Destruction

Countdown to Israel’s Destruction

By Simcha Jacobovici Times of Israel. 28.8.14 The round of fighting with Hamas is one more stage in Israel’s strategic downward spiral. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared victory. At the same time, Gaza’s Hamas rulers are dancing in the street. Ahmed Barakat, senior member of Hez ...

Literature Travels

In a brief aside from osteoarchaeology, I thought I’d focus a quick entry on what I’ve been reading lately as I wait for my arm to heal. I have a particular soft spot for travel literature, so I’ve been delving into some classic books from the 20th century. Among these are American writer John Stein ...

Plastic Lawyer Candidate destined to be historic protest song

We Are Change Check out this great review by Larry Sinclair Recently I had the privilege of seeing and talking with Dave Cahill and Dave asked if I would listen to and write a review of his latest single Plastic Lawyer Candidate. For those who are not familiar with Dave allow me to introduce him to ...

Fancy Friday – Jorden Rundt

Jeg har rimelig travlt i de her dage både med at planlægge 31 dages nailart plus manden er på kursus så jeg er alene med sønnen. Så har desværre måtte forsømme jer herinde de sidste to dage. Dog har der jo været masser gang i både facebook og instagram (@rijah), så husk at følge med der, hvis i syne ...

Terorism as Theater – by Robert Kaplan

Wednesday, August 27,  The beheading of American journalist James Foley by the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq was much more than an altogether gruesome and tragic affair: rather, it was a very sophisticated and professional film production deliberately punctuated with powerful symbols ...

New Numbers on Terrorism in 2013: An Isolated Problem

New numbers on 2013 terrorist incidents, just released from University of Maryland, show that terrorism is a threat in a small number of developing countries -- not a "global security challenge". My preliminary analysis of the new numbers indicates that from 2008 through 2013, terrorist incidents in ...

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