Friday, August 29, 2014

8月28日(木)のつぶやき その3

8月28日(木)のつぶやき その3

Patrick TOULOUSE @patrickTOULOUSE  05:02 “ @Pinturasdsory: “ @akwa34: @belkacemi: Divine light” 天野音色 癒やし画像 healingさんがリツイート | RT from Twitter Web Client 返信 リツイート お気に入り  Patrick TOULOUSE @patrickTOULOUSE  07:18 “ @LiannahDuP: Let's go for a walk in ...

Married at eleven

Children are suffering in many parts of the world, like those young girls who have to do domestic labour and are forced to get married at an early age. Nada Al-Ahdal, an 11-year-old girl from Yemen, whose parents arranged to marry her off to a wealthy man, posted a video on YouTube explaining why sh ...

ECHO Factsheet Yemen (August 2014)

Source: European Commission Humanitarian Aid department Country: Yemen Key Messages Humanitarian actors in Yemen need to maintain their focus on emergency, life-saving aid, as well as continuing to advocate for coordinated funding, assessments and activities. Stronger coordination among humanitarian ...

ISIS: Saudi-Qatari-Funded & US Armed Wahhabi Terrorists Worldwide

ISIS: Saudi-Qatari-Funded & US Armed Wahhabi Terrorists Worldwide Also a brief review of the minor great game in Greater Middle East. Since Sunni Riyadh ( and later other Gulf monarchies) were promised security in exchange for its oil , their backing for US Dollar as reserve currency in 1953 ,and us ...

Send planes, not people, to Iraq

Illustration by Maricruz Meza/Visual Editor From a distance, the more fresh disasters seen in Iraq would make any reasonable person’s jaw drop. Let’s acknowledge that the United States’ unspeakable actions in 2003 had inevitably led to a conquest of Iraq at the hands of a jihadi network, taking adva ...

yemen fahişesi

soğuk ter ve titreyen çıkıntılı beden rahim pozisyonunda bir tarafta duruyor kordonu boğazına dolanan ötekilerden biri küvette tüm açıklıkları olabildiğine esnekleşmiş sırtından usanmadan inen parmaklar kapı eşiğinde beklemeye hazır misafir gibi ıslak ayaklar mermerin üzerinde keskin hatlı izler bır ...

Updates and Future Plans

For the first time ever, autumn is nearly here and I’m not preparing to go back to class… it’s so strange to be out of university! I’m currently enjoying a well-deserved holiday after the completion of my master’s degree and will be updating this page far more regularly in the coming months. It’s cr ...

Yemen president: Iranian regime heavily interferes in Yemen's affairs

Yemen's president has said the Iranian regime of provoking current unrest in his country as Shi'ite Houthi rebels advance on the capital Sana'a. Yemen's President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi said in a statement that Iranian regime was trying to “trade Sana'a ...

Transition at stake as Benomar warns "Yemen is in the most worrying situation"

The UN Special Adviser on Yemen Jamal Benomar left the capital city of Sanaa on Wednesday while warning that the country is passing through the most worrying situation since it started the power transition. Of course, Benomar referred to the crisis between ...

ECHO Factsheet Yemen (August 2014)

Humanitarian actors in Yemen need to maintain their focus on emergency, life-saving aid, as well as continuing to advocate for coordinated funding, assessments and activities. Stronger coordination among humanitarian partners and effective actions are ...

Yemen's President Blames Iran for Inciting Conflict

Yemen's president is accusing Iran of provoking current unrest in his country as Shi'ite Houthi rebels advance on the capital Sana'a. Fighting overnight north of the capital reportedly killed 11 people. A number of casualties were reported in fighting ...

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