Friday, August 29, 2014

The SMH: Ignorant. Always.

The SMH: Ignorant. Always.

What a useless, sodding rag the Sydney Morning Herald is. At least when you read the Murdoch press you know what you're getting: unqualified, knee-jerk support for Israel, with lashings of Islamophobia. It comes with the territory. But isn't Fairfax supposed to be different? Something other than a m ...

Hello, my name is qais!

Thread Starter Hello, my name is qais! Follow 51 minutes ago 51m ago I'm studying... in the yemen modern school but willing to take the A level examinations soon I'm interested in... some of the art subjects and mostly biology I'm thinking about... studying dentistry and this is why i'm seeking help ...

[Webcast] United Nations Web TV: Live Schedule (29 August, 2014)

United Nations Web TV Live Schedule for Friday, 29 August 2014 All indicated times are New York time (GMT-4) Watch the latest videos published on UN Web TV: 10:00 PM (-1) - 06:00 AM Alliance of Civilizations Sixth Global Forum (Bali, Ind ...

Opinion: The Middle East’s Problems Are Ours

ISIS soldiers in convoy in confiscated trucks in Iraq. Photo: Twitter / nayelshafei. Chaos is engulfing the Middle East and North Africa. Islamicist militias have just captured the international airport outside Tripoli, Libya’s capital, after a protracted struggle. More accurately, we should refer t ...

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