Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Arabic, Spanish, French, or other language

Arabic, Spanish, French, or other language?
Well this high school I plan to go to allows, well requires, me to take four years of language on the CSUF campus (in Fresno State, not the high school, so it'll be college credit). The first two I need to take Latin, so I'm wondering which language should I be taking the last two years. I'm Arab and all my relatives and speak Arabic, plus I haven't heard of a high school nearby or even college that offers Arabic except for this one. We also go to Yemen often (during vacations) so I'm thinking it would come in handy to take classes. However, I know a lot of the language already. I can understand the language pretty well, but it's difficult for me to speak it. Spanish, well I live in Fresno. So there's tons of Spanish-speakers and most of my friends are Mexican. Plus, my dad owns a Mexican market here in an area with tons of Spanish-speakers. He knows well-enough Spanish, and my sister does too. She took Spanish in school tons of times. I should be speaking Spanish, really, as well as Arabic. French, I really don't know why I've taken it. I've been to Paris a few times as stops to Yemen. I've had two years in my middle school (well I'm still taking it, I'm in 8th grade), so I know an ok amount. I don't really want to leave it behind, especially if I go to Edison (since I can continue on to French 3, 4, AP) Basically I think it's easier to learn Arabic and/or Spanish without classes because of I'm surrounded by speakers of the languages. I don't really need to learn French but I'd like to maybe continue it if I go to Edison. Edison: I need to choose between Spanish or French so I can have more years of experience in one of them, maybe something like French 3, and then Spanish) UHS: I can choose between any of the 3 languages o, but I will only take 2 years of them. Note this means 4 semesters (4 classes of the language I choose) I think I can take more than 1 in a semester, too. I guess this means I really shouldn't take any other language than these since I wanted to learn Hmong or Japanese, I guess that'll have to wait until college. Oh yeah, sorry for the..tons of detail. I just know that more information helps and I tend to write a lot.
Languages - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you have learned Latin Spanish will be even more easy. Latin is the "mother" of romanic languages such as Italian, Spanish, Portugese or French. I have a Latin degree and Spanish is pretty easy for me. I often understand a sentence full of new words only because I know some Latin. But if you already speak Arabic, take that (is that possible? I don't know many schools with it). Or are you interested in something different? Try German! German is related to English (so not that difficult), many schools offer it and it has an incredible lot of fucking good poets! It might sound harsh sometimes though... And German is more difficult than English
2 :
If you have learned Latin, Spanish will be even EASIER.
3 :
Hey , I'm Arabic too , and I'm keen on languages :) If you're interested in languages , I'd recommend you take German !!! German is quite hard due to its genders . However, it's wonderful ! Arabic is such a great language which I'm really proud to be a speaker of it . But you have to notice that Arabic language doesn't finish with just speaking it without studying its intense grammar ! So I think that If you studied Arabic , you would be a great Arabic linguist ; especially that it's your mother tongue ! I don't really like French and I don't even like its sound and tone , so I would say no for French !! hehe ! For me , I would say that you go for Chinese !!! It's becoming a worldwide language and it will be a great asset in your life , especially if you want to be a business woman . So , you are to choose between one of the following languages : Arabic ( advanced ) . Chinese . German . I've been studying German for about 4 years and I haven't become fluent in it yet . However , I have two mother tongues Arabic and English because I had lived in England for a while , so the language for me is different than the language from your own perception ! Hope that helped :) Good luck in your choice ( Hathan mowaffakan ) .
4 :
Wow so i think u should take something that u feel u can learn fast cuz u only have 2 years to learn it and u dont want to waste ur time relearning what u know so i would say freanch! Good luck
5 :
I'd recommend Spanish, and if you wanted, I'd help you with it. :) Have a good day! =)

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