Wednesday, April 21, 2010


hello i live in yemen(not us) i got a friend bring me halo 2 i asked him for pc he brought it for xbox and i really want to play it now is there any way i can play this cd on pc ? he bought it from microsoft so it should be original
PC - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No, you need a Xbox 360. And you probably need that Xbox 360 to be bought from the same region. If not, It might not play the game. Try sending it back to your friend and have him exchange it for a PC version. They might let him.
2 :
Yes there is... It is called an Emulator Program. The problem lies in the fact that in many jurisdictions an emulator program is considered to be illegal (as a Hacker's Tool). What I would suggest is if you try to sell the game locally...actually, since the game was purchased from outside the region, any X-Box sold in the area wouldn't be able to play it, selling locally wouldn't be a great idea. Short of bringing in an American (or whatever zone the disc was purchased from) console to play the game on, you'll have to eat the cost if you can't convince him to do so, and buy a PC version locally, or from someone that can sell electronically or physically in Yemen. Good Luck!

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