Wednesday, December 21, 2011

If Obama administration actually knows what its doing, then WHY does his ambassador REFUSE to answer honestly

If Obama administration actually knows what its doing, then WHY does his ambassador REFUSE to answer honestly?
If the Obama administration actually knows what its doing, then WHY does this Obama-administration official (Rice) refuse to honor the Question posed to her by the interviewer?? The USA, as 1 of 5 veto-wielding permanent members of the UN Security Council, the recent resolution against Qaddafi could NOT have been possible without the support of the USA (which now also includes direct US-military fire support). In this PBS Newshour interview, Rice refuses to answer the basic common-sense questions over Obama handling of the Libya UN Resolution( 1 & 2 below), even though they have NOTHING to do with any secrecy: #1 @ 1:06 “Resolution: ’All attacks on Civilians must stop’, BUT do you read the word ‘Civilians’ to include those who have taken up arms against Qaddafi??? ” (Listen as Rice ducks/distracts the question, she thinks we're stupid, I guess) ...But, this inverview question is a VERY important/relevant to ask because the wording of UN resolution (influenced by the USA) is directly based on that word “Civilian”, so WHY does Rice REFUSE to answer it?????...Does she even know the answer to this extremely important question herself??? #2 @ 0:11 “Has the new resolution come in time to save the Libyan uprising, OR has Qaddafi already won??” …Rice refuses to answer this question too, ducking it and distracting the issue, (listen to her). We The People deserve to know if Obama’s apparent dithering & indecisiveness (even long after France officially recognized the anti-Qaddafi rebels as the legitimate representatives of the Libyan people), was a mistake…So, IF the Obama administration WAS sincere about being honest with the American people, then WHY does he not respect our RIGHT to know what our government is doing (even if that includes his mistakes)???...In this way, Obama admin seems SELF serving (rather than serving of the People, as he promised). So is he putting HIS OWN political gain ahead of the promise to be open & honest to the American People??? ** Another reason why Obama doesn’t seem to know what he’s doing (Defense Secretary Gates vehemently believes Obama is making a HUGE mistake) is because Obama has now set a DANGEROUS PRECEDENT that the USA either cannot (or just will not ) live up to (as it regards Bahrain & Yemen, who have also killed peaceful protesters)…And the moment that Hypocrisy comes to light, Obama/USA will have lost all the credibility he thought he was winning (with the arab peoples), and the net result will be that he only made US foreign policy even more incoherent, self-contradictory, (resulting in a LOSS of credibility for the USA, … This Loss of foreign-policy credibility created by Obama will have HUGE implications as we try to stop Iran from developing nukes (especially since Turkey & Brazil are sympathetic to Iran’s program, if you remember the fuel swap deal over a year ago).
Government - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you want a democrat to answer your questions it needs to be in a small , simple to understand sound bites. Like 'yes we can' or 'hope and change'
2 :
your government is being transformed into a socialist system. if the american people knew the details the motive would be obvious and civilians would revolt. the realities of socialism cant be reveled until the people are powerless.

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