Monday, November 7, 2011

why is the media so anti jews

why is the media so anti jews?
Buried beneath the headlines of the Mid East conflict is the forgotten story of the region’s indigenous Jewish communities. In 1945, up to one million Jews lived in the Middle East outside of the Palestine Mandate and in North Africa. Within a few years, only a few thousand remained. This is the story of the thousands who fled their homes, who endured in refugee camps, and who today quietly carry the memory of a destroyed civilization. The Forgotten Refugees explores the history and destruction of Middle Eastern Jewish communities, some of which had existed for over 2,500 years. Featuring testimony from Jews who fled Egypt, Libya, Iraq and Yemen, these personal stories of refugees are interspersed with dramatic archival footage, including rescue missions of Yemenite and Iraqi Jews.
Politics - 22 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Why are they so's all in your head.
2 :
for left liberals
3 :
cuz they are actually nazis
4 :
I don't know what the media is saying bad about Jews. Never heard anything.
5 :
The left run the media, and these days the left seem to becoming more anti-jewish (although feinstein attended a pro-Israel rally in San Francisco yesterday, so it's not all bad).
6 :
Because they are jealous of us.
7 :
good point
8 :
I think you are mistaken I think they are pro Jew and anti- everything else
9 :
It seems to me that the media is over all pro jewish. But you might want to sight the source of the media. For instance my town is very democratic so they always trash Bush in the local paper. Then neighboring town is heavy republican so they write the same story but paint Bush in a positive light.
10 :
The media is "OWNED" by the Jews.
11 :
I thought Jews controlled the media. no, wait! They control EVERYTHING!!!!
12 :
Why do we forget to talk about the genocides like the ones in Yugoslavia and Rwanda and the ones commited during slave trading and the conquest of America. I'm sick of jews always inflicting their past to justify the present. There's also other people on this earth who have suffered or are suffering worst fates at this moment. Yes the Holocaust was a horrible thing but in no way do i think it should be so highly publicised. And I dont think the media is anti-jew at all. ON the contrary I think it promotes them. -Rick- P.S. I love people from everywhere and have nothing against jews but they need to know they're not the only ones who suffered.
13 :
who are you? Why is such an intelligent person trying to convince the brainwashed masses but you could also ask yourself why there are so many Jews that are anti Jew
14 :
UH! please tell me what you watch, listen to or read. I think you got it backwards.
15 :
The media is Anti most things, including Anti-American. They are putting the terrorists on a pedestal, saying we are bad to do anything to cause harm to those who are sworn to kill Americans. This also is playing out largely in the current MidEast Conflict. Although the Hizbollah attacked Israel, they are getting sympathy from the media. I understand the innocent civilians on both sides, but this conflict has been raged almost 60 years ago between the Arabs and the Jews.
16 :
" The media is owned by the Jews" baha how lame can people get? I would have to say the media is more "Anti-Israel". Due to so much complex conflicts in the middle east, and never-ending wars and problems, the people are tired of Israel complaining and not giving their land away. It's not just, not at all, Israel has their land, they have given enough to Palestine! Enough is enough! That is why we are in war, not only because of land, because they kidnap innocent soliders, and ask for 1,000 prisoners back! LAME!
17 :
Oh Please.. give it a rest. Sick to death of the "we are an abused people" diatribe.
18 :
actually it's just the opposite. they will not say anything bad(as much as there is to ) about them.the jews control the networks and bias the news their way.....
19 :
The media for all it's "wisdom" is not representative of the general pubic, it's all about newspaper sales, TV ratings, 'clicks' on websites - it's about "sensationalism" - usually negative... So if they are perceived to be anti this or anti that it's because 'they' know it will attract attention - and generate sales, profit through related advertising etc... I don't think any person, people or nation regardless of it's history should take the media so seriously.
20 :
well lets see... what were your dates again?? oh yea 1945 and the few years after.... THIS IS NOT NEWS!!!
21 :
This paranoia you folks have is becoming obvious. I think you would agree that there is two sides to this issue. Right? If not then you have allowed your fear to dominate you. This is dangerous stuff, and I am not sure it is a rational, responsible, careful, caring, sane or other wise a course of action you should be traveling down. You are acting like a cornered animal. Hugh eyes focused directly on anyone who is talking to you or about you. Like no one in the world has experienced what you as a group have experienced. Will, let me refer you to history. How many generations has any single group of people or ancestors lived on this planet? 4000 thousand generations? Well how many of the people alive today have experienced hatered or murder by some other group of people? How many times has any and every group of people been rulers over other people. Just how nice were you when you were rulers? The general idea is that we are mostly alike and we are all human beings. It seems to me that every surviving group of people including a Representative of a group that no longer exists, have in the life time of the history of our people been rulers and slaves? Human have just had to learn that this is very possible. It seems to me that we have all been the slave or the ruler or the ignored and so on. So, lets put your part of the history of your group into perspective. No matter how bad your group is being treated, it does not mean that you are alone or unique. No you like everyone else are just people. The question is, are you just people when it comes to the Palestinian?

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