Friday, October 7, 2011

Are these the views America should be living by

Are these the views America should be living by?
>Encourage gun ownership of mentally sound and law abiding citizens. Vigilantism is called for on occasion, and should even be required by citizens in certain situations. >Encourage the responsible use of drugs only if a licensed medical doctor states that you actually require them. >Strict standards on how gang members and drug dealers should be punished by the judicial system. Not leniently. >We should make room in the prisons by reestablishing “serving of the head� in public executions in combination with a quicker judicial procession. >The guidelines for capital punishment (serving of the head in public) should be close to the following; anyone on death row, who has back to back life sentences, or who welcomes the death penalty and has life w/o the possibility of parole. >Child molesters should also be given the chance to contribute something to society by offering themselves up for public execution. >Respect the sacred bond of marriage between Husband and Wife. That is the man is the Husband and the woman is the wife. >Better security on our borders and ports. >Fight our enemies on their soil when possible, or when strategy calls for it (less collateral damage less US civilian casualties). >Make ad nauseam and other methods of propaganda illegal in the media and try to correct some of our social dysfunctions to make the quality of life better for the family, and help individuals help themselves and be less dependent on the government, thus creating a stronger and more unified nation. >We should render aide to countries like Libya, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran to help their people gain freedom and individual liberties by throwing out the tyrants like Gadhafi and Ahmendenijad with their brutal regimes. >Become more focused on the family and all of its immediate members and less dependent on social cliques, thus creating less of a “load� on your personal and our nation’s public transportation issues. There is a host of other positive side effects of this paradigm. >Stop putting such and emphasis on "minorities" and maybe we would see some "change" for once.
Politics - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No, some of your guidelines start fine but take a bad twist. Also, I really take offense to your marriage statement since MOST Churches say that marriage is like a team of oxen yoked together pulling for the same goals. Nice mixing of liberal and conservative extremes though.
2 :
I am down with them all except for these: >Respect the sacred bond of marriage between Husband and Wife. That is the man is the Husband and the woman is the wife. I don't get why it's any one's business if homos get married >Make ad nauseam and other methods of propaganda illegal in the media and try to correct some of our social dysfunctions to make the quality of life better for the family, and help individuals help themselves and be less dependent on the government, thus creating a stronger and more unified nation. Censorship is always wrong >We should render aide to countries like Libya, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran to help their people gain freedom and individual liberties by throwing out the tyrants like Gadhafi and Ahmendenijad with their brutal regimes. The middle east is a crap hole and we always end up a loser there so why keep on trying? >Fight our enemies on their soil when possible, or when strategy calls for it (less collateral damage less US civilian casualties). Ok but who is going to attack us other than the occasional terrorists? We have enough nukes to take out the entire earth
3 :
You started out a little strict and ended up bats--t crazy, sorry. What your propose is unAmerican.
4 :
SURE---we should rush to re-establish Feudalism...
5 :
Your views on the appropriateness of Capital punishment would require an accurate criminal justice system. I would say that a significant number of men in child custody disputes are accused of some form of abuse, sexual or otherwise.
6 :
No when I got to the "Make ad nauseam and other methods of propaganda illegal" I called the police to have you arrested.
7 :
You are crazy. >Encourage gun ownership of mentally sound and law abiding citizens. Vigilantism leads to mob rule. Our general public is too quick to judge before facts are in. >Encourage the responsible use of drugs only if a licensed medical doctor states that you actually require them. We already do that. >Strict standards on how gang members and drug dealers should be punished by the judicial system. Not leniently. We already do that. >We should make room in the prisons by reestablishing “serving of the head� in public executions in combination with a quicker judicial procession. I am against all executions. Our judicial system is imperfect. You can't sew the head back on and say, "Sorry 'bout that". >The guidelines for capital punishment (serving of the head in public) should be close to the following; anyone on death row, who has back to back life sentences, or who welcomes the death penalty and has life w/o the possibility of parole. By what right to YOU have to decide who is to live and who is to die? >Child molesters should also be given the chance to contribute something to society by offering themselves up for public execution. That will solve nothing. 80% of offenses happen in the home by someone known. Such standards would escalate the violence at the hands of child molesters and will lead to more secrecy when such offenses occur, allowing more child molesters to remain unreported. >Respect the sacred bond of marriage between Husband and Wife. That is the man is the Husband and the woman is the wife. I am really tired of hearing this one. Gay marriages will happen in the United States. In our lifetime. You're fighting a loosing battle. >Better security on our borders and ports. Yes. >Fight our enemies on their soil when possible, or when strategy calls for it (less collateral damage less US civilian casualties). We already do that. >Make ad nauseam and other methods of propaganda illegal in the media and try to correct some of our social dysfunctions to make the quality of life better for the family, and help individuals help themselves and be less dependent on the government, thus creating a stronger and more unified nation. Sounds good except one thing: I happen to believe in the freedom of the press. >We should render aide to countries like Libya, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran to help their people gain freedom and individual liberties by throwing out the tyrants like Gadhafi and Ahmendenijad with their brutal regimes. Looking at your statements, I think you are as much a tyrant as any of them. >Become more focused on the family and all of its immediate members and less dependent on social cliques, thus creating less of a “load� on your personal and our nation’s public transportation issues. There is a host of other positive side effects of this paradigm. Huh? >Stop putting such and emphasis on "minorities" and maybe we would see some "change" for once. That, I would agree with, after the minorities are no longer persecuted.
8 :
The anti death penalty arguments are false or the pro death penalty arguments are stronger. Proof below. The death penalty is a just and appropriate sanction and it saves additional innocent lives. ETHICAL/RELIGIOUS SUPPORT FOR THE DEATH PENALTY "Death Penalty Support: Religious and Secular Scholars" "The Death Penalty: More Protection for Innocents" Opponents in capital punishment have blood on their hands, Dennis Prager, 11/29/05, DETERRENCE All prospects of a negative outcome deter some. It is a truism. The death penalty, the most severe of criminal sanctions, is the least likely of all criminal sanctions to violate that truism. 27 recent studies finding for deterrence, Criminal Justice Legal Foundation, "Deterrence and the Death Penalty: A Reply to Radelet and Lacock" "Death Penalty, Deterrence & Murder Rates: Let's be clear" INNOCENCE "The Innocent Executed: Deception & Death Penalty Opponents" "Cameron Todd Willingham: Another Media Meltdown", A Collection of Articles The 130 (now 138) death row "innocents" scam COST "Death Penalty Cost Studies: Saving Costs over LWOP" Much more upon request.

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