sorry, this is a bit disgusting... but the issue is that my chameleon tends to eat live stuff more than dead stuff.. i can buy these dead grasshoppers, but he doesn't like to eat them.. and it's hard to find live grasshoppers here in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)... Yet, i can find live cockroaches EVERYWHERE.. and my chameleon can't resist eating one!! is it healthy thou for him? they have big wings that might be hard to digest i believe... He's not eating!!!! At all!! i stay for long times and try feed him grasshoppers and stuff, and he just stay still!! once i throw a live thing, he goes crazy!! btw, he was captured from the wild.
Reptiles - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I feed my tree frog them 4 like a month And I give some 2 my fish I don’t c y not i'm sure in the wild they have 2 eat them
2 :
It's never good to feed your captive reptiles wild insects that you catch around the house or outside. These introduce very serious parasite and worm problems. Although, if you go to your vet 1-2 times a year (or worm them yourself) I don't think it will be a problem. Locust, crickets, meal worms, wax worms, flies, etc are all good foods. They tend to not like pre-killed foods so feeding the live foods are a must. The only problem there is, I don't know if you can find those things around where you live. Some places ship world wide, so you should really check into ordering live foods online.
3 :
Chameleons like to eat live food because it is more eye catching and fresher. But don't overfeed them. Do not feed them wild foods, it can make them sick. Chameleons are sensitive and can die easily.
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