Monday, February 7, 2011

What do Americans think will happen if they quit giving out foreign aid

What do Americans think will happen if they quit giving out foreign aid?
You know, you guys aren't the only ones with a military, and if you keep letting the rest of the world live in poverty, then some day all those angry people in Rwanda and Ethiopia and Yemen and Chechnya and Mexico are going to stop making stuff for you and instead they'll join the... terrorists! *GASP* Is that why they hate you? Because you are selfish, ostentatious, and basically immoral? Could it be? Did I mention how much Americans pollute the environment?
Politics - 22 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Whatever. Not falling for your divide and conquer routine.
2 :
"and if you keep letting the rest of the world live in poverty" Well, that is why we give out foreign aid....
3 :
Well for one we would save billions,billions we currently send to ungrateful,corrupt,useless people around the globe. AD
4 :
Good question why don't we elect Ron Paul and find out?
5 :
I wish we would stop giving handouts to countries who hate us.We have helped more people in the world than the rest of the world combined. Don't like it Tuff! Leave or go back to your 3rd world country!
6 :
You forgot to mention that Americans give on a per capita basis more money to charities than any other citizen in the world. We are neither selfish, ostentatious nor immoral. Check your facts and make your political rants elsewhere. Where are you from? Only cowards criticize behind the cloak of anonymity that the Internet provides.
7 :
Realize that while the Americans are giving foreign aid, people in their own country are starving and homeless. I'm sure we would have problems with countries in poverty if we stopped giving them aid in spite of that.
8 :
Lots of American foreign comes in the form of food. This keeps the farming lobby sweet as it allows them to grow produce and then sell it to the government who then give it away. This free food destabilises the economies of the farming communities where it is handed out so it's not a win-win situation. If a country has a special relationship with the USA, such as Israel, the aid will come in the form of dollars. As many as you want as long as a good part of it is spent on armaments sourced in the USA. Funny old world, isn't it?.
9 :
I wonder what you think will happen, since, from your Q and A, you appear to be one of us
10 :
The Israeli's will get pushed into the Red Sea
11 :
If the US were to cut the 12 billion in foreign aid to israel, then the members of the House and Senate would all be revealed to the media. Every dirty hidden fact about their filthy lives would be known to all! The israeli intell people purposely dig for these facts to blackmail and extort these elected officials to support israel!
12 :
How does one "let" the rest of the world live in poverty? If they are "making stuff for us" that is what is known as trade. They earn their livings making stuff. This is how emerging countries emerge. You cannot force them to treat each other rationally. In places like Rwanda nd Ethiopia there are many issues the populations and governments have to sort out. You are not being honest when you say other countries hate us. They do not. Some may be jealous of us but others take our model as inspiration. Selfish? Your own question disproves that. Foreign aid is not selfishness. Ostentatious? The entire country? I think not. As far as being immoral, well, Rwanda and Ethiopia as well as most African countries have no room to talk about immorality. Killing is not moral. Pollute the environment? You are a little behind the curve. We have done more than any other country to protect the environment. Look at Pollution in China or South America. Are you serious? The automobiles being sold in China are only up to 1970's pollution standards. They do not want to pay the extra for modern clean automobiles. Heck, even Japan still burns coke for home heating. *
13 :
we give out so much how can u call us selfish how about if we gave out nothing u ever wonder how the world would be with out us helping over 100 country's so i guess that's not enough foreign aid huh prob more than your country could ever give in a 1000 years
14 :
Only in America will you find all the foreign aid being handed out so freely. If they hate us so much why not refuse the foreign aid that we give them and see what a major defferents its makes in their world. I don't feel that we are either selfish,ostentatious or basically immoral. I wonder how you can think that America pollutes the environment also. Sounds like you have a issue with someone or somebody besides the USA.
15 :
We would have more money to rebuild our infrastructure, and secure our boarders, and the rest of you will starve. It's a win, win if you ask me. (and you did) Tell the people of Rwanda and Ethiopia, Europe has what little food you produce. The food you actually get to eat comes from America. Tell Yemen they have plenty of oil money, It's just not trickling down. That's not our fault. As for Chechnya, their problems are with Russia, not us. As for Mexico, you don't have to tell them anything, I will. They're just down the street.
16 :
So we're supposed to send these people money? We've done that and they bought guns and demanded more money. Join the terrorists,go ahead,go live in a cave,we'll eventually find you.
17 :
Yeah, we need to stop with the aid and stop buying crap made in other countries. That will help them out. I have been to Mexico, the trash laying around in the environment is much worse than it is in the US.
18 :
Foreign aid is a form of tribute. We got to give aid or they will attack us.
19 :
STFU! I've seen your other questions and they are BULL SH*t! Just shut the f**** up and go stare at your sucky country. WTF is wrong with you? a little jealous?
20 :
It is true that a lot of countries hate us americans. Even us americans are divided amongst us on how to treat the rest of the world. it is true that we used other countries for our benefit and bullied those who opposes us. Yes, we may not be the most popular country in the world but you know what who is? Do we really care about the rest of the world? some of us do but not all americans. the world should realize that if there are going to be changes to be made, it is not up to our US government but up to us American people. So the more the world hate Americans, the more we would care less about your country. You see, being an american requires courage and confidence in one's self. we are not afraid of how you or the rest of the world really feel. we may be all those things that you describe but hey, we are not afraid to tell you guys exactly what we feel towards you in front of your faces. just wait and see. we are a powerful nation and it is just a matter of time that our people will wake up and will unite and and expose to the rest of the world how truly wrong their views are toward my countryman. we will not be afraid.
21 :
HEY! leave Ethiopia out of this.... and if you don't like America, get the fuck out!
22 :
Why don't you let us try, and with our selfishness (giving out that aid and all) ostentatiousness, and immorality, you can find out. Most Americans that I know feels that the world considers them the scum of the earth. So most of us would be more than happy to pull aid. That would be aid for scientific research, humanitarian aid, as well as allowing our Navy to patrol waters around the world that are deemed dangerous, so that shipments of goods can get from one place to another between countries that aren't ours. I hope your wish comes true. I don't want to fund you any more than you want us to fund you. You don't like us, why should we spend any money assuring that the goods that your country needs, gets to the places that it needs to be. Have fun getting oil from one place to your country, through waters that are patrolled by the U.S. Navy, so that shipments aren't hijacked or taken by others. For all of the countries that hate us, you don't hear about them wanting us to stop patrolling these waters for safe passage of goods. Good luck. And keep hating. Does a body good.

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