Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Is it possible to a non Australian woman to give birth in Australia

Is it possible to a non Australian woman to give birth in Australia ?
I'm divorced and pregnant in the third month i was adviced to give birth in Australia is it possible for me to go there and how can i do it to apply for a visa "i live in yemen" does the australian governmant really going to help me specially when i am a single mother ..? i need help wither to think of it or just forget it .. thanks
Other - Australia - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
if you have your baby in Australia you will have to pay all the hospital and doctors bills yourself,there is NO government help or non Australians and if immigration learn you want to go to Australia to give birth they will not give you a visa
2 :
consult an immigration attorney
3 :
If you are not an Australian citizen or permanent resident you may not be eligible for free medical services . This could end up being very expensive for you, as you will have to pay for checkups, delivery and after care. It could also be a lonely experience if you do not know people in Australia and would be caring for your new baby alone without a support network. Consult an immigration lawyer in Yemen, or the Australian Embassy in Saudi Arabia, which is responsible for Yemen too, if its something you want to pursue after your baby is born.
4 :
well if you happen to be in Australia and accidently give birth, they can't stop you can they?
5 :
Before being granted a Tourist visa (which is the only type of visa you have any hope of getting), you will have to provide full medical details of any pre-existing conditions and may be required to undergo a health examination. You must have access to sufficient funds to cover all costs for the duration of your stay in Australia, including health insurance if required. You may be asked to provide evidence of your funds. Examples: personal bank statements, pay slips, audited accounts, taxation records, credit card limit. You will get no help from the Australian government with your pregnancy or birth. You will have to pay all hospital, medical and pharmaceutical expenses yourself, and Australian hospitals and doctors are very expensive to non-Australians. You will not be able to get a visa to come here for any longer than 3 months. If you stay any longer than that, you will be deported at your own expense. See the following web pages for full details: http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/health-requirements/index.htm#a http://www.immi.gov.au/visitors/tourist/676/eligibility.htm#b Do not come to Australia - you are not welcome here unless you come as a bona fide tourist or legal worker and you would be neither.

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