Monday, September 22, 2014

Yemen Shiite rebels sweep into headquarters, house of powerful Islamist-allied general

Yemen Shiite rebels sweep into headquarters, house of powerful Islamist-allied general

SANAA, Yemen (AP) — Security officials say a Yemeni Shiite militia has occupied the headquarters and house of a powerful army general allied to Sunni Islamists and is setting up checkpoints across the capital after sweeping across the city. The Monday ...

Yemen rebels seize military equipment despite peace deal

Sanaa, Sep 22 (IANS/EFE) — Fighters of the Shia Houthi rebel movement, Ansar Allah, have seized a large number of weapons after overrunning five military barracks in the Yemeni capital despite a peace agreement with the government of President Abd Rabbuh ...

Yemen : Peace deal brokered, Unity government underway

The crises in Yemen are expected to come to an end after a Peace and Partnership Agreement was signed between the government and the Houthis. The deal was brokered by United Nations envoy to Yemen, Jamal Binomar, and was based mainly on the outcome of the ...

Yemen: peace deal signed but rebels continue advance

Yemeni government officials and Shia rebels signed a peace agreement on Sunday after days of violence that left more than 140 people dead and sent thousands fleeing their homes, although major rebel advances earlier in the day deepened a sense of uncertainty.

Shiite rebels hold key Sanaa offices after Yemen peace deal

Sanaa: Shiite rebels held position Monday around key government offices and army bases in the Yemeni capital which they captured without resistance just hours before the signing a UN-brokered peace agreement. Sunday`s hard-won deal, signed by the ...

Yemen government signs peace deal with Houthi rebels

SANAA // Yemen’s government and Shiite rebels signed a UN-brokered peace deal after Shiite rebels seized the government headquarters and the prime minister resigned. Days of violence in the capital has killed more than 140 people and sent thousands ...

Yemen July foreign reserves up despite oil export plunge

DUBAI, Sept 22 (Reuters) - Yemen's gross foreign currency reserves rose $427 million in July, marking the second monthly increase in a row despite a sharp fall in oil export receipts, central bank data showed. Sanaa's currency reserves have been shrinking ...

Hadi to name new Yemen premier within three days

Sana’a: Rival groups in Yemen have signed a UN-brokered peace deal after Al Houthi rebels seized the government headquarters and the prime minister resigned following raging violence in the capital. “A national peace and partnership agreement based on ...

Yemen government signs peace agreement with Shiite rebels

SANAA, Yemen – Yemeni government officials and Shiite rebels signed a peace agreement on Sunday following days of violence that left more than 140 people dead and sent thousands fleeing their homes, state media said, although major rebel advances earlier ...


ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ TI EIΔΟΥΣ ΣΥΜΜΑΧΟΣ; by Burak Bekdil September 22, 2014 GATESTONE INSTITUTE The Turkish government "frankly worked" with the al-Nusrah Front, the al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria, along with other terrorist groups. The Financial Task Force, an international body setting the standards for combating ...

My tweets

Sun, 12:16: Directorio de #Televisiones de #EstadoaUnidos, Online, en vivo | | #fb Sun, 12:36: Directorio de #Televisiones de #Guatemala, Online, en vivo, en directo | | #fb Sun, 13:16: Aqui #Radios Online, e ...

Arap Baharı IŞİD’i doğurdu

Tıpkı Afganistan’da olduğu gibi, dünyanın 80 ülkesinden on binlerce ruh hastası cihatçı Türkiye üzerinden Suriye’ye taşındı ve Esad’a karşı savaşsınlar diye eğitilip silahlandırıldı 2010 sonunda Tunus’ta başlayan ayaklanmalar hemen peşinden Mısır’a sıçradı. Libya’da ise ayaklanma bazı Arap ülkeleri ...

Governments: Listen to your people!

Because you clearly are not listening to Nature! Sunday: 10:30 PDT. Won’t rabbit on too long as we are due out with our guests in the next thirty minutes. Just dipped into the online BBC News headlines and, frankly, was more than disappointed to see that the Climate March in New York, and many other ...

Call Made On Members of Nuew Yemen Branch to Reinforce Organization and Step Up Participation in the National Development Programs

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