Friday, September 12, 2014

Yemen May Not Offer Best Model For Obama's ISIS Plan

Yemen May Not Offer Best Model For Obama's ISIS Plan

Audio for this story from All Things Considered will be available at approximately 7:00 p.m. ET. Gregory Johnsen, author of The Last Refuge: Yemen, al-Qaeda and America's War in Arabia, tells Robert Siegel that President Obama chose a flawed model when he ...

President Hadi meets with GCC envoy to Yemen

SANA'A, September 11 (Saba)- President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi met with representative of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to Yemen Saleh Abdul Aziz Al-Qanaeer and Director of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Office in Yemen Saad al-Arifi. During the ...

Obama White House Refuses to Define Victory Over ISIS, Makes a Joke Out of It All

During today’s White House press briefing, a reporter asks spokesman Josh Earnest a simple question: “What does victory (over ISIS) look like here?” Earnest turns the serious question into a joke: “I didn’t bring my Webster’s Dictionary with me.” Har har. Click here to view the embedded video. Let’s ...

I am BACK :)

Hey readers, I am back!!!!!!!! Soon I will upload photos and writing posts on my journey back to the mother land (Yemen). Its been a while but yeah I am happy to be back home.

War Tongue

9/11/2014 10:28:13 AM Thursday War Tongue danger. exist, strategy leaders partners, way. setback Kurdish EDT foreigners –- formed inclusive once cut ISIL strongest want can Asia, country’s They genocide. campaign one vigilant haven. be “We extremists its region. sending safer. deployed 475 enslave, ...

Árabes respaldan la coalición antiyihadista propuesta por EE UU

Diez países árabes, con Arabia Saudí a la cabeza, se han comprometido hoy en Yeddah a colaborar con Estados Unidos en la lucha contra el Estado Islámico (EI). El anuncio se hizo público tras la reunión de ministros de Exteriores con el secretario de Estado norteamericano, John Kerry, en la capital d ...

Assad, Moscow and Tehran condemn Obama’s plan for air strikes against Isis

Assad, Moscow and Tehran condemn Obama’s plan for air strikes against Isis Claims that strikes would violate sovereignty, as Syrian rebels welcome move and other Arab states offer ‘appropriate’ support John Kerry attnded a meeting of Arab states to seek support for Obama’s plan for air strikes again ...

Map GPS Garmin Rica Costa

Costa Rica Garmin Map gps Etravelguides Garmin maps provide turn-by-turn GPS voice guided mapping directions for your Garmin GPS device. April 2012 v4.4 Search issue that required use of all capital letters is now fixed Mapped streets to Cartago Costa Rica Garmin GPS Map  gps a ...

Obama Turds: Islam is Not Islamic!

Obama Turds: Islam is Not Islamic! I reproduce the transcript of remarks on combatting ISIS provided by the White House. Below the transcript, I have extracted three of the most egregious lies and refuted them with well documented facts. Statement by the President on ISIL State Floor 9:01 P.M. EDT M ...

Map GPS Rica Costa Garmin

Costa Rica Garmin Map gps Etravelguides Garmin maps provide turn-by-turn GPS voice guided mapping directions for your Garmin GPS device. April 2012 v4.3 Updated and mapped various streets and points of interest per customer feedback Improved searching and navigation within Costa Rica GPS Garmin map ...

Map Rica Costa Garmin GPS

Costa Rica Garmin Map gps Etravelguides Garmin maps provide turn-by-turn GPS voice guided mapping directions for your Garmin GPS device. March 2012 v4.2 Mapped streets in southern San Jose Fixed routing error on Hwy 23 Removed duplicate points of interest Mapped more national parks Fixed routing to ...

Map Rica Costa GPS Garmin

Costa Rica Garmin Map gps Etravelguides Garmin maps provide turn-by-turn GPS voice guided mapping directions for your Garmin GPS device. February 2012 v4.1 Mapped streets to Guapiles Mapped streets north of Rincon de la Vieja Realigned Hwy 4 in northern Costa Rica Mapped streets to Upala Enhanced GP ...

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