Thursday, September 25, 2014

Yemen's Forgotten Conflict

Yemen's Forgotten Conflict

SANA, Yemen — This weekend, rebels in Yemen stormed through the capital Sana, ousting the Prime Minister and seizing the government television station, the central bank and key military installations. In the wake of the raid, President Abdu Rabbu Mansour ...

Yemen's President Warns of Civil War as Factions Collide

President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi has warned Yemenis their country is heading towards civil war after the takeover of the capital by Shi'ite Muslim rebels, a move that has allowed the insurgents to dictate terms to a weakened, fractured government.

7 Photos Showing Yemen's Capital On The Brink Of Civil War

Thomson ReutersYemen's President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi waits during the signing of an agreement between the government and Houthi rebels, in Sanaa SANAA (Reuters) - President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi has warned Yemenis their country is heading towards civil ...

Yemen ‘ripe for picking’ by interested parties

The situation in Yemen — following the signing of an agreement between the Al Houthis, the Yemeni presidency and other parties — was the focus of many of the region’s newspapers The UAE’s Al Bayan said some powers linked with foreign agendas ...

Yemen at 'dangerous crossroads' as rebel supporters killed

SANAA (AFP) -- Police shot dead seven Shiite rebel activists attempting to storm government headquarters Tuesday and troops clashed with rebels on Sanaa's outskirts, amid warnings Yemen is at a "dangerous crossroads." The violence comes after rebel chief ...

Yemen president warns of civil war as factions collide

SANAA (Reuters) - President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi has warned Yemenis their country is heading towards civil war after the takeover of the capital by Shi'ite Muslim rebels, a move that has allowed the insurgents to dictate terms to a weakened, fractured ...

Yemen Houthis Keep Forces in Sana'a After Peace Accord

Yemen’s Houthi rebels have retained control of government buildings in the capital, after a military advance that pressured authorities into signing an accord this week promising a new cabinet. The heavily armed Houthi rebels ignored President Abdurabu ...

SLTA alarmed by drop in entries

KUCHING: The sharp decline in the number of participants in the girls category of the Asian 14 and Under Series is quite alarming. Organising chairman of the 10th Asian 14 and Under Series, Dato Patrick Liew said yesterday SLTA had only received eight entries for the girls competition this year. Out ...


Yemen fell last night....even after Obama said Yemen's government was thoroughly protected and underpinned by American military might. That rebel victory was heralded by ISIS as proof that Obama is a dung-throwing monkey and not someone of whom to be afraid. Sure...he's got a good curve and it might ...

THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY? "Hope and Change" Obama Makes War With 5 Arab Monarchies As Only Allies

In the future, when the history of the decline of the American Republic and the collapse of the American Empire is written, President’s Obama’s War against the Caliphate will have singular significance. For it is in President Obama’s Bourbon/Metternich choice of allies that the Rot inside the Americ ...

THE PARALLELS BETWEEN BARACK OBAMA AND GEORGE W. BUSH: As President Obama begins to bomb Syria (w…

THE PARALLELS BETWEEN BARACK OBAMA AND GEORGE W. BUSH: As President Obama begins to bomb Syria (with no UN authorization and with a coalition of the willing), he is still bombing Iraq, Yemen, and Pakistan; he has U.S. forces spread out across Africa; some are heading back into Iraq; and Guantanamo i ...

Increible: 37 de las 50 naciones con mas persecucion contra los cristianos son …¡ISLAMICAS!

Originalmente publicado en PATRIA JUDÍA: Esta es la religion de la paz, la tolerancia y el respeto: o te sometes o mueres 2014 WORLD WATCH LIST: COUNTRY PROFILES Somalia Syria Iraq Afghanistan Saudi Arabia Maldives Pakistan Iran Yemen Sudan Eritrea Libya Nigeria Uzbekistan Central African Republic E ...

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